Page 80 of Celestia, Year One

His hand slipped in mine and he directed me to the chairs in the living room. He sat down on the beige sofa and pulled me into his lap. I blushed.

"Caio?" I asked, even more dumbfounded than before.

He merely grinned, gesturing for me to extend my legs on the second half of the sofa. I fought to calm my heart as I did what he’d asked, trying to ignore the weird tingles I felt flutter through me.

"This way you can see it up close and touch it if you want," he revealed.

I gave him a hesitant look. "Are you sure?" I asked, my finger already inches away from his chest.

His grin widened, “I'm sure, Celestia." His low husky voice made me all too aware of our closeness. It was hard to think straight, yet the urge to feel his bare flesh was overwhelming.

I lightly trailed my finger along the black outline. I knew some markings could be more sensitive than others. When I lowered down to his shoulder, he shivered, closing his eyes.

"Are your markings sensitive?" I asked.

"A little. I'm just not used to someone touching them," he admitted. He opened his eyes to meet mine. I bit my lip, lost in his gold and amber hooded gaze as he stared back at me. His eyes lowered to my lips, making me wonder if I should take his brother's advice and let my body guide me.

Did I want to kiss him? Did he want to kiss me? I didn't know what I wanted and if I wanted Caio to be my first official kiss when I wasn't unicorn drunk.

Caio smiled, leaning forward and pressing his forehead against mine.

"I want to kiss you, Cutie Pie. But...I'll wait. Cairus is awake," he admitted.

I blushed, completely forgetting his brother was upstairs. "You even know when the other is awake?" I asked.

"Yup," he replied. Before I could lean back, he tilted his head; those soft pink lips pressed lightly on my cheek.

"Caio?" I asked, my voice a pitch higher.

He grinned leaning back against the couch to stare at me. "Oops," he responded.

I giggled, enjoying his cute face and lightly tinged cheeks. He joined in, laughing quietly.

"The others should be back soon. Why don't we make lunch?" Caio suggested.

"Hamburgers!" I announced.

Cairus and Caio had made hamburgers yesterday on the BBQ outside and they were so amazing that I'd eat them every day if I could.

"You're obsessed," he pointed out.

"Not my fault you guys make good hamburgers," I pointed out.

"Anyone can make a hamburger on the grill," Caio argued.

"Orion burned his, remember?" I recalled.

Caio rolled his eyes. "Orion's an exception. He's good at making desserts, though," Caio revealed.

"Really?" I tried to imagine Orion making cakes or other sweet desserts.

"Yup," a sleepy voice agreed.

I turned my head to see Cairus’ bare chest and low riding sweatpants. I stared at his six-pack and lowered my gaze to the waistband of his grey sweats.

I remembered a clear image of their naked bodies during the exam, an image that continued to haunt me in my dreams and left me needy for more.

"You see something you like, Dearest?" Cairus asked, a playful smirk on his lips.