Page 78 of Celestia, Year One

"Working out. Finn thinks his ass can beat me in karate. Got to teach him a lesson," Hunter announced.

Finn rolled his eyes. "I don't think. I KNOW I can kick your ass without trying. Just admit the fact you've lost to me since we were fifteen and will always lose to me," Finn acknowledged.

"I'm just going to watch." Theo shrugged.

"I'm the referee, apparently," Orion stated, looking bored.

I grinned. "Aww, friendly male bonding. Go have fun," I hummed.

They all mumbled something incoherent, looking flustered.

"We'll bring back dinner. Bye, Cutie Pie," Finn called out, turning to take his leave.

"Hey. Don't go try to get ahead of me. You’re gonna try and get the better black belt!" Hunter huffed. "Bye, Celestia," Hunter called out, chasing after Finn who was already out the door.

"Isn't a black belt just a piece of cloth?" Orion asked, looking confused.

"Yup. They do this all the time. Let them be," Theo stated. He patted Orion's shoulder and slipped his running shoes on. They both turned to face me.

"See ya, Cutie Pie! Cairus is napping upstairs and Caio went for a run," Theo informed me.

"Good to know. See you in a few." I waved to him.

He said something to Orion who nodded. When Theo left, Orion turned to stare at me.

"You're going to be okay alone?" he asked, a worried expression on his face.

"I'll be fine, Orion. Cairus is asleep, but here and Caio will be back later. I'm just gonna study and maybe do some yoga," I reassured him. I loved how he always was so concerned about my wellbeing and safety.

"Okay. I'll bring you something back." Orion gave me a small smile, waving goodbye. He slipped on his sandals and headed out the door, peeking in one last time to make sure I was okay.

I laughed, waving back at him.

He nodded, before finally closing the door.

I returned to my homework, quickly jotting down the answers to the simple history questions before moving on to the more complicated questions, drawing out the magical spells that would help stall a Forsaken if you got into a jam where you couldn't beat it.

An hour passed and I'd finished most of my assignments and was able to read a few chapters ahead of the class outline. It wouldn't be long until midterms were around the corner and from the way the professors kept talking about some test, we were beginning to believe something was brewing that would catch us by surprise.

I sighed, resting my head on the table. I didn't used to mind how quiet the house got, but it felt weird now. I was used to Hunter and Finn fighting and complaining, Theo and the twins talking about something new they had discovered in class, and Orion keeping me company and listening to me talk about my previous training lessons with Magnor in exchange for him teaching me some new spells.

Now that the house was silent, it seemed out of place and I felt a little lonely.

"Arielle," I whispered. I heard the flapping of wings and lifted my head to see Arielle glide into the room. She landed on the table next to my crossed arms.

"Bru-ree?" She tilted her head, fluttering her wings before hopping onto my arm to rub her head against my cheek.

"Nothing. I just felt lonely," I admitted.

"Bru." She nuzzled her head against my cheek over and over until I laughed.

"Okay. I'm not lonely anymore. No more nuzzling." I giggled, petting her head.

She hopped off my arm, stretching out her wings and relaxing beside me. She closed her eyes, looking like she was going to nap with how her body fluffed up.

"Are you going to nap?" I asked.

"Bru," she replied.