Page 74 of Celestia, Year One

I looked back at Orion who was quietly sleeping the night away. Since we’d moved into the same room, he'd ended up in my bed almost every night. I didn't mind and after the third night, I told him to stop apologizing. I couldn't deny the fact I was curious as to why he always ended up in my bed, but I personally liked the closeness. I'd always been used to sleeping alone, but waking up in the arms of someone who acknowledged and cared for me made me happy. I didn't know where we stood in terms of a relationship, but I could still feel the growing connection between us.

Our closeness made me wonder what would happen if I did fall in love with Orion. What would happen with the other guys? Would they be mad? I liked all of them, but I hadn't personally categorized anyone past the friend stage. I was interested, but I was hesitant because I didn't want to break them apart if I did fall in love with one of them. Or, if I loved more than one, how would they react?

I sighed, letting my hand go through my purple and pink locks. I'd given up on dying it black and thanks to my excessive magic usage, my entire hair was now a bundle of lavender purple and baby pink mixture. The gold streaks had also increased and my hair reminded me of a swirling unicorn lollipop.

It caught a bunch of attention since Orion insisted I leave it down and embrace my multicolored hair. It wasn’t like I had much of a choice since he'd hid all my hair ties. I even tried to use a vine to tie it back, but Finn used magic to make it alive; it untied itself and ran away into the wild during training.So much hate.

I slid off the bed, walking over to check on Arielle who was still asleep in her cage. I opened it up, gently stroking her head. She'd been by my side all week including classes, which wasn't usually permitted. The professors had tried to tell me she wasn't allowed, but Arielle wasn't going to have any of that, shifting back and forth between her phoenix form and harpy form to cause a scene.

After setting one of the professor's wigs on fire, she'd gotten a free pass from the school administration as a "support" familiar. I thought it was absolutely hilarious and the guys agreed.

Arielle had gotten used to all the guys, taking turns sitting on their shoulders during class and would steal pieces of their food during meal time. It felt nice that they accepted her with ease, not questioning her short temper or her efforts to take anything shiny from their rooms at night when she wasn’t in her cage.

I closed the cage again, walking over to the standing mirror and noticed my bracelets were on my left side. Seeing as I was still in my shorts and tank top from earlier in the day, Sia must have taken over, but had wanted to go back to sleep, using the bracelets to force herself to do so.

Sia had made a few appearances during the week and the guys hadn't minded. They said she was rather different from me; more of a sly personality, still projecting a sense of confidence that I too shared.

When they had explained it to me, I felt touched. I had never felt confident and if I acted like I was, it was all fake. I would have to stand in the mirror and give myself pep-talks to build that confidence that I apparently demonstrated so effortlessly now.

But after only two weeks at Aslan, I could feel the difference in my level of confidence. I didn't know if it was because of the guys’ presence or my ongoing growth physically and magically, but I was enjoying these incremental improvements.

It made me that much closer to my goal of becoming a huntress and making my parents and Magnor proud.

I fixed my white tank top, noticing how thin the fabric was.

"Just getting water, anyways. It won’t matter," I mumbled, yawning again. I rubbed my eyes, quietly leaving our room and walking down the hall. I made it down the stairs, and over to the fridge to get a glass of water from the filtered jug.

Finn said the water from the tap wasn't clean enough for his taste, insisting we use the filtering device he’d brought with him.

With our recent classes, we'd noticed that anything could be used as a test. We would rather play it safe and drink filtered water than get sick from drinking the tap water that was poisoned intentionally.Better to be safe than sorry.

I finished my glass, then began walking back to the stairs, but stopped; my ears picked up a sound. I tilted my head, closing my eyes to focus on enhancing my hearing. The swing of a sword, the whoosh sounds and repetitive wave of movement I picked up made me realize someone was up and training.

I followed the sound, passing the living room and heading down the hall. I walked until I reached our little training room. It was simple and had no gym equipment. It was equipped with boarded walls that were protected from high levels of magic. It didn't matter if you blasted balls of fire at the wooden walls, they wouldn't catch fire.

I walked into the room; the moonlight shone brightly from the floor to ceiling sliding doors that led to the backyard of the large dorm house. My eyes landed on the six-one male who continued doing his fast slashing movements.

Even though it’d been two weeks since I had met the guys, Cairus was the only one I really hadn't gotten a chance to take a moment and appreciate his handsomeness.

He did share almost identical characteristics with his brother: their height, slim but built body structure, and same neck tattoos, but his blue hair, blue and gold eyes, and his tattoo being on the left side of his neck compared to Caio’s on the right, gave him away.

But as he continued his moves, I noticed his hair was orange, and his tattoo was hidden by the cloak he wore as he fought. I leaned against the door frame, analyzing his body movements and steps.That's not Caio...

He turned around, twirling the bamboo stick effortlessly in his left hand. His eyes landed on mine; the usual mismatched pair were now a gold. He paused, stopping the twirling bamboo in his hand and rising up from his wide stance. He smiled.

“Cutie Pie. What are you doing up?” he asked; the tone of his voice was neutral, not giving me a hint of which twin he was.

I walked into the room, my bare feet barely making a sound on the wooden floor. I reached his side and raised my hand to brush lightly against his cheek. He raised an eyebrow at me, those golden eyes were breathtaking up close.

“You forgot to add ‘Dearest,’ Cairus,” I whispered.

“What if I’m Caio?” he asked.

“You’re not.”

“Can you confirm that?” He gave me a playful grin.

“Caio is right-handed, not left. Your lips are slightly pinker than his, you have smoother skin and a slightly paler complexion than him because he likes to stay outside more than you. Finally, you’re using magic to hide your blue hair because Caio’s hair is a bright orange ginger, not as dark as your rendition,” I explained.