Page 68 of Celestia, Year One

I pulled back to see Caio, Cairus, and Theo walking toward us.

"Lunchtime, Dearest Celestia." Cairus came up to us, patting my head.

"What are you guys making?" I asked.

"Pasta," Caio replied, walking over to the other side to ruffle my hair.

"Ugh, don't do that. It's gonna get all frizzy," I complained.

"Finn said you didn't like that," Theo reminded.

"Where is Finn?" Hunter asked.

We were near our lockers in the middle of a crowded hall, but Finn was the only student with pink hair. It shouldn't be hard to spot him in the crowd.

"He said he'd meet us at the lockers after class," Theo recalled.

"Hmm. Why don't you guys head to the house? Orion and I can wait for him," I suggested.

The others exchanged glances before nodding in approval.

"Okay. We'll see you three in a bit," Theo announced, walking forward to give me a pat on the head before he and the twins began to make their way down the hall.

"You guys will be fine?" Hunter asked.

"Yup," Orion replied casually.

"We'll be alright Hunter. If Finn isn't here in ten minutes, we’ll look around for him," I explained.

He nodded. "Okay. See you back at the house." He patted Orion on the shoulder and began to walk away; the others waited for him at the end of the hall.

They all gave a final wave and turned the corner, disappearing from sight.

"I should get my books now so we don't have to come back here before afternoon classes," I suggested to Orion.

"Okay," Orion replied.

We walked over to my locker and I placed my hand on the lock using my magic to unlock it.

I lifted my hand to open the door, but Orion pressed his hand over it, preventing me from opening it. I looked up at him in confusion.


He narrowed his eyes at the locker, a displeased look on his face.

"Don't open it," he advised.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why does Orion look like he's going to murder someone?" I looked to my left and saw Finn approaching us; the once busy hall was now empty.

"Um...I'm unsure," I replied, looking at Orion who still hadn't budged.

Finn reached us, glancing at Orion and then the locker. His eyes narrowed on the metal locker; his expression went from confused to enraged. "Celestia, come here," Finn instructed.

I looked back at the locker, not sensing anything, but I did what he asked, moving to stand behind him. Finn looked around, snapping his fingers. A green barrier engulfed us and spread to section off the rest of the hall, boxing us in.

"Finn?" I asked.