Page 67 of Celestia, Year One

"They don't talk about it because we're students. I wasn't supposed to hear the discussion. My brother had taught me to hide my presence when I was really young and I'd perfected the skill to the point that even my parents couldn't tell when I was hiding nearby. I listened to the entire conversation when they informed my parents of my brother's death. I still don't know if what they said was true. It’s possible they only said it to ease my parent's pain, but there were four other High Council members and they all vouched that my brother would have eventually been taken over by the darkness and would have become a threat to us," Hunter explained.

"But couldn't they have done something? Like create a spell or serum or anything else? How could they brush off his death like it was nothing?" I argued, feeling furious.

"Who knows? Since then, there's always at least one council member on campus at all times," Hunter replied.

"But when we fought the Forsaken, no one came to help us," I pointed out.

"That’s true. I did sense someone lingering on the sidelines, but that could have been Magnor seeing as he was the first to approach us. Maybe he wanted to show the Council what we were made of? It's the first time any students have been able to beat a Forsaken. And one of Aslan's mottos is that anything can be a test of skill," Hunter justified.

"Hunter...I'm sorry," I whispered, squeezing his hand still entwined with mine.

He smiled. "You don't need to be. It's not your fault," he replied.

"Just because I didn't cause it, doesn't mean I don't feel for you. I'm apologizing because you went through that alone, right?"

He took a deep breath and slowly nodded. "Ya," he whispered.

"Then I'm sorry you had to go through that alone. hard to handle by yourself. I can see why you were angry before," I muttered.

"I was angry because you could have gotten hurt," he stressed.

"But, you barely know me, Hunter," I countered.

"Why should that matter? We're a team, Celestia, and there will be tons of time this year to learn about each other. The others and I are acquaintances, some of us already having strong friendships within our group. You can tell Finn and I are best friends. He was there for me a little after my brother's death and he's always been there for me since. Theo and the twins have known each other for a couple of years and Orion is a recent addition to our group. We still don't fully know one another's pasts, but I wouldn't hesitate to throw my life on the line to protect any one of them. The same goes for you," Hunter declared.

"You guys are so protective," I mumbled with a smile.

"Maybe cause you're the only girl in the group. Don't want you breaking a nail or anyth—OW," he began, but I elbowed his side.

"Oops. Sorry, didn't want to break a nail by poking you. Elbowing seemed like the better option," I replied.

"Ugh. Females, I swear," Hunter groaned, holding his side.


He stopped groaning, looking up to meet my serious expression.

"Your brother didn't deserve to die and I hope we can figure out who planted those Forsaken remnants in the Omako Forest or whatever it was they did. Anyway, I believe your brother would be proud of you," I proclaimed.

He sat up, staring into my eyes. His amber eyes softened; a wide smile formed on his lips. "Thanks, Celestia," he whispered.

We returned to staring at the pond in a comfortable silence. I was happy he was able to share something as sorrowful as his brother's death. It proved he trusted me and I knew our friendship had blossomed.

I just hoped I could always be there to help him whenever problems emerged.

Trap and Loneliness

"Orion," I called out, noticing a tall male with white hair turn the corner. He stopped, taking a step back and looking over his shoulder. A small smile formed on his lips at seeing me and Hunter.

"Hey," he greeted when we got closer.

"I haven't seen you since this morning," I pointed out.

"I know. Definitely a shame," he replied, pulling me into a hug.

I blushed, not used to such intimate gestures, but hugged him back.

"Orion, share," Caio called out.