Page 59 of Celestia, Year One

Magnor had told me my fate long ago, and I begged him not to share it with Celestia. It was rather selfish of me, but it was for the best. I didn't want her holding back for the sake of not losing me. All I wanted was for her to grow and become confident in herself. And I knew this school would contribute to her personal growth.

"You're okay with never loving someone?" Caio asked.

"Or falling in love?" Cairus asked.

"Yup. Again, my existence is to balance Celestia out, nothing more. I've been privileged to share this experience with Celestia and watch her become more confident in herself. I want to continue watching and see as she progresses. Even if that means I'll eventually disappear. My wish is to see Celestia be loved. For her to enjoy life rather than to wish she didn't exist. Her happiness is my happiness just as her success is my accomplishment. She's dreamed of this opportunity and of having friends. Maybe you guys can help make her school years worthwhile."

The room was silent; the guys all stared at me with sad expressions. I grabbed my luggage, walking to the stairs by the doorway.

"I don't know what our future holds, Team Misfits. But I hope you can show Celestia that there's kindness in this world." I looked over my shoulder, meeting Orion's gaze. "And that love exists," I concluded.

I said goodnight and walked up the stairs, heading to my room that they had spent forty-five minutes fighting about.

I walked into the dark room, closing the door and placing my luggage to the side. I closed my eyes, using my magic to create a little cage for Arielle; I placed her inside. I pulled my hair out of the messy bun it was in, allowing the purple and pink strands to fall effortlessly down my back.

I pulled out a pair of black shorts and a white tank top, stripping and slipping them on quickly. I could barely keep my eyes open and just wanted to sleep. Neither Celestia nor I had shifted in a while and had forgotten the toll it took on our bodies. I moved to the bed near the window, slipping under the covers and sighing in relief when my head rested against the soft pillow.

Love...Celestia is lucky.I didn't know what our future had in store, but I had a hunch this group of men would change Celestia's life. And if she did fall in love with one of them, I'd be grateful.Maybe I could convince her to love more than one?

Regardless of what might come to pass in the future, at least when my time came, I'd know she'd go on to live a happy life. That's all I ever wanted and that was how I'd show my compassion and gratitude.

As long as Celestia is happy. That's all that matters.

Red Eyes and Troubled Past


"I can do this. I can do this," I chanted to myself, taking a few calming breaths. I tried to ignore the growing nerves that fluttered through me as I stared at the red classroom door. The words: ADVANCED ELEMENTAL SORCERY were in large gold letters above the small window that gave me a glimpse of the classroom.

The last thing I remembered was listening to the guys argue about which room they would get, particularly on who got to share a room with me. When I woke up, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself cuddled up with Orion.

I had to recheck Sia's memories to see if she'd been sly and tried to play some type of hook up game. I wouldn't put it past her, but when I woke Orion up, he apologized.

"It's not a big deal, Orion, stop apologizing," I reassured him, tying my hair in a ponytail.

"But..." he trailed off, looking slightly embarrassed, which was a first for him.

I smiled. "Do you sleepwalk?"


"Maybe you got up to get a drink of water or something and thought my bed was yours?" I suggested.

"Could’ve happened," he admitted thoughtfully. He stood from the bed, walking over to stand in front of me.

My heart skipped a beat as we shared a look. I could feel the connection between us grow with each moment we shared. I loved our closeness and it made me wonder if this was how love at first sight felt. I doubted he felt the same way, but sometimes, I thought I could see a glint of admiration in his eyes.

I couldn’t be sure it was love, because I had never experienced it before. But, I couldn't help but admit, when I woke up in his arms, I was happy. I felt a moment of wholeness within me, but had no explanation for it.

Orion lifted his hand, gently tugging at my hair tie until he loosened it, allowing my wavy hair to fall free, revealing the purple, pink, and few gold strands.

"Hey. I need that hair tie to hide the colors." I frowned.


"Because my hair is different. People don't like my hair," I replied. I remembered all the times I had been made fun of in school and being called a purple dinosaur and pink flamingo.

"I like it."