Page 58 of Celestia, Year One

"DEM?" Finn asked.

I moved away from Orion and walked to the middle of the room. I took a moment to stare at the twins who appeared almost identical. If it weren’t for the fact one had blue hair and the other was a ginger, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I noticed the red-haired male with black ends.Very interesting. I'll let Celestia have her fun.

"Dual-Essence-Morality. It's the fancy term for dual personality," I explained.

"Dual," Caio began.

"Personality?" Cairus finished.

"Celestia is one half. I'm the other. It's not that complicated." I shrugged before a yawn escaped me.

"Do you come out randomly?" Theo asked.

"Nope. Celestia’s normally awake in the day. I'm at night. That's why Celestia asked you to wake her up before nine, but you guys fell asleep," I replied.

"Is this something you’re born with?" Finn asked.

"No. When we were taken in by Magnor at nine years old, we began to show signs of excessive energy. It came to the point that our power began to pool in our brain and would cause intracranial problems. Most individuals die, but we were one of the lucky few that didn't. Instead, I was born. We balance one another out. But, if I use too much energy, I become unbalanced and either need to sleep or switch back to Celestia," I explained.

"Like what happened during the exam," Hunter acknowledged.

I nodded. "Exactly," I confirmed.

"You're okay with sharing this info with us?" Orion questioned.

I returned my gaze to him, giving him a soft smile. "Celestia grew up lonely. She didn't have friends or anyone to rely on. Her parents weren't there and the adults in the village wouldn't dare help her. She only ever had Magnor and Arielle. You’re the first group to show us kindness," I admitted.

I noticed their change in expressions. I giggled.

"It's not a big deal really. It's just how life is. If you guys were willing to protect Celestia and me, I don't see the harm of sharing that we suffer from DEM. It’s just easier if we're going to be living together," I concluded. I yawned again. "Anyways, you guys can continue your love fight over Celestia. I'm going to bed," I announced.

"Love fight?" Hunter's and Finn's faces grew red.

I smirked. "Admit it. You're attracted to her. Men are so cute," I gushed, giggling.

"Wait," Orion spoke up.

I grabbed my luggage, with my dual sword case strapped to the top. I looked back to stare into Orion's curious eyes. "What's up?"

"What happens if Celestia falls in love? Are you going to fall in love with them? Or another individual?" Orion asked.

The other guys glanced my way.

"Not interested." I shrugged.

"What? But...huh?" the twins asked.

"This is something I haven't told Celestia and I ask that it stays that way," I announced, giving them a stern look. They looked at one another, nodding and turning back to give me their full attention.

I continued. "DEM isn't permanent. There's going to come a time where Celestia is going to grow and strengthen her magic capacity. When that happens, the need for my existence will lessen and lessen," I explained.

"Meaning..." Theo whispered.

I smiled, nodding. "Poof. Sia Rainbow will combine with Celestia and be no more," I replied.

"Aren't you sad about that?" Hunter asked.

"Why? We're the same person. Just two halves of one personality. When I fade, Celestia will feel whole again. And I hope by then she'll find people who will love and cherish her. Maybe she'll find more than one lover." I winked at the group.