Page 57 of Celestia, Year One

"Bru," Arielle chirped, closing her eyes.

"Celestia’s tired. You’re wasting time," Orion argued.

"You can't be in the same room as her," Hunter and Finn said together.

"I wonder how long this is gonna go on," Theo sighed.

"Fifteen minutes," Cairus and Caio said together.

I tuned them out, needing a second to rest my eyes. I was still tired from the examination and needed a good nap. It was already nine o'clock at night and I just wanted to sleep.

Just five minutes...

* * *


"Guys. It's been thirty minutes." Theo groaned.

"I think Celestia fell asleep," Cairus pointed out.

"Don't blame her. I'm tired," Caio yawned.

"We're gonna decide this fair and square," Finn announced.

There was a moment of silence, prompting me to lift my head and look over my shoulder. Hunter and two other shifters stood in a circle, their arms outstretched and hands in fists.

"ROCK— PAPER— SCISSORS," they chanted, shaking their fists three times before revealing what they chose. The white haired male who was known as Orion had scissors out while Hunter and the pink haired guy known as Pixie Boy had their hands spread out to signify paper.

"I win," Orion said calmly.

"CHEATER!" Hunter exclaimed.

"What kind of luck do you have?" Finn questioned.

Orion shrugged. "I'm always lucky," he replied.

"Lucky my as—" Hunter began, cutting short when his eyes locked on mine. He blinked.

"Sia?" he asked.

The others followed his gaze to look at me.

I grinned. "Evening, Hunter," I replied, yawning.

"Sia?" Caio and Cairus asked, eyeing me curiously.

"Purple eyes?" Theo noticed.

I grinned, hopping off the bar chair. I picked Arielle up who was still asleep and walked over to where my luggage stood with the other bags.

"Sia Rainbow. Celestia's other half. A pleasure to meet you," I introduced.

The guys looked confused; only Orion appeared unsurprised by my presence.

"DEM?" he asked.

My smiled widened. "You’re a smart one," I replied, walking over to him. I whispered into his ear, "Don't worry. I'll keep your secret safe until you tell Celestia." I could feel the tension in his body, but I ignored it, stepping back and giving him a wide smile.