Page 28 of Celestia, Year One

I bit my lip, unsure if I'd be able to pull my eyes away again.

"Theo, you should be on our team!" a voiced roared.

I blinked out of my daze at the familiar sound that sent a wave of dread through me.Why, why, why?

Orion noticed my change in expression while the others turned to the conversation that occurred a few inches away from us.

"I'm not on Team F, Vincent. Let's follow rules for once," a boy with red hair huffed, crossing his arms.

I narrowed my eyes and noticed the ends of his shoulder-length hair were dyed black. He was six-three and wore black jeans, a white top, and a black leather jacket. I didn't need to see his face to know he had the appearance of a bad boy, but compared to the other guys surrounding him, he looked the least lethal, that was only from his backside though.

I shuddered at the sight of Vincent, panic beginning to seep through me. I didn't want to deal with him right now, especially when I'd just met a group of people I actually got along with for a change.

"Then which team are you with then?" he huffed.

"Team M. Stop making a damn scene. Your ass is strong enough with your boys. Leave me out of it," the boy named Theo walked over toward our group, Vincent following him.

Orion immediately stepped in front of me, hiding me from sight. Hunter moved to stand next to Orion while Caio moved to my left. Finn placed a hand on my back, rubbing it gently. He leaned forward.

"I don't know why you’re anxious, but relax. We got this," he reassured me.

I was completely confused how he knew how nervous I currently felt, but nodded. Maybe it was my tense shoulders and rigid posture that gave me away?

I was glad I was the shortest one in the group, the guys’ height shielding me from Vincent's sight.

"Vincent, leave me alone. I'm not in the fucking mood today," Theo snarled, reaching our group. His eyes locked on mine. He blinked, glancing at the others.

I don't know if he understood what was going on, but he turned around, stopping Vincent in his tracks.

"This is all of Team M. Why the hell are you following me, Vincent?" Theo questioned, his voice hard and laced with anger. I wondered if he knew that we were all Team M by hunch or just assumed to get rid of Vincent.

"Switch teams."

"You’re seriously acting like this right now?" Theo countered.

"Hey, Theo. Who's this vamp?" Hunter questioned, cracking his neck.

I could feel the heat rising around us, making me curious as to which male was turning up the temperature.

"Watch it," Vincent growled, showing his fangs.

I noticed his group of teammates were all vamps, reminding me of my younger years when I'd get beaten up and teased for hours by Vincent and his crew.

Orion tilted his head.

"If you don't have any business here, get the fuck away from my team," he whispered. His voice was so low, yet everyone in the room turned to face our group.

The room temperature seemed to drop and for a split second, I could feel just how powerful Orion was.Holy unicorn! He's close to Magnor's magic level.

Vincent looked scared, taking a step back with his team.

"Let’s leave this group of misfits to their little corner. I thought I saw that Celestia chick, but I guess I was seeing things. Hah. There's no way Miss Unicorn could be here. Fake shifters don't deserve a spot at Aslan," Vincent criticized. He laughed, signaling for his group of vamps to leave.

He turned around, looking over his shoulder.

"Don't worry, Theo. We’ll give you another shot. That is, if you even pass this exam." Vincent grinned and walked away.

I sighed in relief, resting my head against Orion's back. I just couldn't grasp why I was suddenly comfortable with this group of men I barely knew. But for a group of strangers, they immediately protected me like I was one of their own and for that, I was grateful.