Page 27 of Celestia, Year One

It was an internal fight to pull my eyes away from his, and from the way his eyebrows furrowed and eyes remained on mine, it looked like he was dealing with the same issue.

"Do they know one another?" I heard Finn ask.

"I doubt it. Earth to Celestia and Orion. Are you guys enchanted by one another's beauty or something?" Hunter questioned.

Finn had to wave a hand in front of my face for me to snap out of it.

I slowly turned to give him a confused look. "What?" I asked.

"Do you know Orion?" he asked.

"Who's that?" I inquired.


I returned my gaze to the mysterious and enchanting looking male, trying not to zone out again.

"Unless you're from my dreams, no," I replied, shaking my head.

Get a grip, Celestia. Making it seem like I haven't seen a man in my life. Well...a gorgeous man...who I'd love to do magical things with...O.M.G. What kind of magic does this shifter possess?

I narrowed my eyes at him. "What shifter are you?" I asked.

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you," he replied, a small smile formed on his lips.

I returned his grin.This smart piece of sexiness. Ugh. This is why Magnor warned me about men.

"Oh shit, Orion's smiling. Did the exam fuck up your brain cells, man?" Hunter asked.

"They look like a good match. Hey Orion, you need a girlfriend, she'd be perfect," the other male announced.

Orion glanced at the ginger male. "I don't need a girlfriend. All of you need to get laid. Leave me out of it," he mumbled, shuffling over to stand next to me.

My body tingled, excitement thrumming through me at our closeness. I noticed the slight smile on his lips, making me wonder if he could feel the connection too.

"We don't need to get laid. And wait, where's your bro, Caio?" Hunter asked the red haired man.

"Who knows? He got an invite I think, but he's still with Mother on the dimension expedition," Caio explained.

I finally had a chance to analyze his appearance. He was six-one with ginger hair that was styled back. He had mismatched eyes; his left was a vibrant gold while his right was an amber color. He didn't hide the tattoos on the right side of his neck: a series of black swirls, reminding me of my tattoo markings I concealed with magic.

"So Orion's future girlfriend’s name is Celestia?" Caio asked.

"Cutie Pie is her nickname," Finn emphasized.

"You gave her that nickname didn't you?" Hunter huffed.

"You have a problem? She's cute and reminds me of pie," Finn countered.

"How does she remind you of pie?" Caio groaned.

I looked up at Orion who peered down at me at the exact same moment. We stared at each other curiously before he spoke.

"Is your nickname actually Cutie Pie?" he asked, his voice full of wonder.

"Nah. Pixie Boy gave it to me," I replied with a soft tone.

"Pixie Boy. Intriguing." He smirked, continuing to gaze at me.