Page 105 of Celestia, Year One

"I trust you," I confidently declared.

He pressed his lips to my forehead, pulling back to give me a wide grin. "I love you, Celestia Rainbow. I'll wait for your reply when you conquer the darkness," he replied.

I nodded, taking one last look at his majestic beauty before I slowly closed my eyes.

This a dream. Not reality. I need to wake up and face the darkness that plagues me. Wake up...WAKE UP!

Reality With A Pinch of Magic



That was the first thing I felt when I woke up. I could feel something wrapped around my wrists and ankles, holding me still. I debated whether to wake up or not.

Return to my dream and the comfort of Orion's arms? No. I want the real Orion. And the others. Yes. Finn, Hunter, Theo, Caio, and Cairus. I want to hear them laugh and bicker with one another. And with me. I want my team of misfits back.

I pulled at whatever was keeping hold of me, calling for my light magic. I barely had any left, but I didn't care. I would win this battle. Magnor didn't train me to just give up. My parents didn't believe in me for nothing. Arielle didn't stay as my familiar because I was weak. The guys all believed in my strength. It was now my turn to have faith in myself.

"LIGHTANDO RELEASHA!" I screamed, allowing the pooled light magic to burst around me.

I heard loud hissing noises, but I didn't stop, letting the magic flow and flow until I dropped to the ground. I opened my eyes, noticing the light bubble was still around me and the holes that the tendrils had created to pin me began to close. I shuffled back until my back was pressed against a wall. I curled up into a ball, taking calm breaths as I tried to ignore my shivering body.

It was freezing to the point I could see puffs of cold air from my labored exhales. I would only last a few more minutes with what little magic I had left.

"Guys!" I called out. The sound echoed in the hollow bubble, but I knew it didn't reach the dark surface.

"FINN! HUNTER! THEO! CAIO! CAIRUS!" I screamed, tears pooling in my eyes that desperately tried to see past the pitch black beyond my thin barrier of light. I thought of the dream and Orion's words.

"I'll be there. I promise and the others will too. We'll save you and we’ll escape the darkness together. I just need you to trust me. Do you love me enough to do so?"

"ORION! I need you! Come out! I love you! Don't leave me," I cried. The light bubble was growing smaller and smaller. Within minutes, the bubble had shrunk so it was barely large enough to surround my curled-up body. I sobbed quietly, trying to summon enough energy to try again or even shift. But I was drained and didn't know what else to do.

Am I too late? Did I lose? Is this another dream or test? Will I never see my team again? I miss them. I want to hear Finn call me Cutie Pie and watch him bickering with Hunter. I want to listen to Caio and Cairus share stories with Theo who'd make them seem so real and adventurous. I want to be in Orion's arms again, and listen to his soft breaths when he sleeps next to me. I want to hear Arielle's singing and Magnor's words of wisdom. I want to go home...

I sat in silence, waiting for the final strings of magic I had left to run out. I thought of all the memories I had, the friendships I'd made, my time with Mother and Father and my years with Magnor and Arielle.I love you all. Thank you for not giving up on me.

I heard a sound, like a soft call. I shook my head, trying to retreat into myself, but I heard the noise again, louder this time. I glanced up, staring into the darkness.

"Huh?" I whispered, seeing a flicker of light.

A bright white light shot through the darkness, followed by another. Again and again, white light began to cut through the black liquid sludge. The dazzling beams were too harsh for my eyes, after having been used to the darkness for so long; I forced them closed.

A wave of warmth brushed against my skin and I sighed in relief.

I was afraid to open my eyes, thinking I must have died and my soul was ascending to the other side. I felt something soft nudge my head. I tried to ignore it, but it nudged again.

"I'm dead, leave me alone," I mumbled.


Wait...Neigh?My eyes snapped open as I lifted my head. A smile formed on my lips while tears began to pool in my eyes.

A majestic white creature stood before me. His coat was pure white and glowed softly. The horn on his head was a light purple with gold specks that matched his purple eyes that had little twinkles of gold and silver. His long mane was a silky white.

The most eye-catching part of the creature were his wings. Large white wings spread out. They curled around me like a shield as I stared up into his eyes. Love and kindness showed in them as they stared into my mismatched ones.

"You...came," I whispered, reaching out to brush my hand against Orion's cheek.