Page 104 of Celestia, Year One

"It was Monday and we had no choice but to go to school. The weather had been gloomy and dark for a week and a messenger had to bring me light serums. You carried me to school and we were heading to class. I went to use the washroom and someone threw something inside. Like a crystal of some sort? I tried to leave the washroom, but it was locked and people were screaming outside. I was going to use my magic to escape, but a Forsaken appeared from the crystal. I guess the crystal was a remnant? Or was it the core of the Forsaken? I...don't really know. I tried to escape and called Arielle for help, but the room was flooding with dark liquid and the only thing I could do was surround myself with a light bubble like Ms. Arcadia suggested in class. It was cold...and pitch black and I wished for someone to help me," I explained, glancing up at Orion who looked calm.

He reached out his hand, wiping a tear I hadn't realized had escaped to roll down my cheek. He didn't say any words, leaning forward to kiss me. I closed my eyes, needing the comforting touch. I wished to be warmer, craving to touch and feel him.

My left hand rested on his chest, enjoying the slight warmth that came from him. He deepened the kiss, changing positions so he hovered over me. I let my hands slide up his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck, longing for him to be closer. He smiled, breaking the kiss.

I opened my eyes, wondering if I did something wrong, but he pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

"Celestia. You have to wake up," he whispered.

"Wake up? I am awake," I acknowledged. I wondered if he was trying to distract me from kissing him again. I leaned up to kiss him, but he lifted his hand to press a finger to my lips.

"Celestia. I want you, but I need you to wake up from this dream," Orion insisted.

"But this isn't a dream!" I argued.

He gave me a sad smile. "My Blessed Love, you are dreaming and need to wake up if you want me to save you. I don't want to lose you in the darkness. I need you to fight this," Orion urged. I could hear the growing desperation in his voice and his lilac eyes blinked back tears.

"Lose me? To the darkness? You won’t lose me, Orion. Don't cry," I begged, biting my lip. It hurt me to see him look so afraid and pained. I just couldn't understand how this could be a dream.

I was in the arms of the man I loved. We were at the school I'd dreamed of attending. What else could I need? It was perfect here.

"Don't you remember the others?" he asked.

"Others? Who? There's only us here. You're the only person I love," I replied.

He shook his head. "No, Celestia. Your heart is too big for me alone. Think hard and remember. Don't you recall anything, Cutie Pie?" he whispered.

"Cutie...Pie? You don't call me by that name," I replied.

"Then who does?" he whispered.

I opened my mouth to speak, but stalled; a memory flickered in my mind.Pink eyes.

"Pi...Pixie Boy? Wait...who's that?" I asked.

He gave me a nod.

"Someone else that you care dearly for. There are others, Celestia. Keep trying," Orion encouraged.

I furrowed my brow in concentration, closing my eyes to try and remember who he was talking about.

Who else? Pixie Boy...Finn? Finn and lucky charms. Hunt...Hunter? Wait. Hunter and the kind vampire...Theo. Orange and White...Twins! Caio and Cairus.

I quickly opened my eyes, staring at Orion who seemed pleased. "Do you remember now?" he asked.

"The others! So this is a dream? No...can't be a dream. I...don't know." I looked at Orion for help.

"You have to acknowledge this isn't real to leave. I know it's hard. I get why you may not want to. But I can't save you unless you open your eyes, Celestia. Please, Blessed Love. I need you to wake up for me. I can't lose you like everyone else," he begged.

"Blessed Love? When did you start calling me that?" I asked.

His smile grew wide. "If you woke up, I'd show you why," he offered.

"You'll be there. If this is a dream...I'll return to the dark cold bubble. Will you be there?" I questioned. I wouldn't deny the fact that I was frightened. I was scared of the darkness and didn't want to leave this safe haven if it meant I'd be alone back in reality. I wasn't strong enough to fight the darkness. Why would I return back if I'd lose everything?

"I'll be there, I promise, and the others will too. We'll save you and we’ll escape the darkness together. I just need you to trust me. Do you love me enough to do so?" he asked.

We shared a moment of silence; his words echoed in the walls of my mind.Do I love Orion? Yes. I care for him dearly and I know I can never leave him. I'd do anything to make him smile and to heal his heartbreak. I wanted him to be happy, the same way he made me happy. I trusted him and he'd never let me down. He wouldn't start now.