Page 86 of Celestia, Year One

"Oh, you guys didn't thank her," I pointed out.

She hopped off my shoulder, jumping on the desk and fluttering her harpy wings.

"Sorry, Arielle. Thank you," Hunter apologized, patting her head.

The others said their words of appreciation to Arielle who stood proudly.

"Let's get back to the lesson everyone," Ms. Arcadia announced.

We nodded, turning our attention back to her. I took another glance at the door, a wide grin on my face.

Finally, after all these years, I taught Vincent a lesson I hope he never forgets. And if he does, I'll just have to teach it to him again.

Deep Connection and Deadly Secret

"Any other questions?"

The room was silent and we shook our heads. Ms. Arcadia smiled, nodding her head in approval.

"Excellent. Remember with midterms coming, anything can be a test. Aslan Academy is the top Hunter and Huntress school in all of the dimensions. We must ensure we keep our reputation. Always remember that, and be careful around campus. If attacked by a Forsaken and you're too weak to fight it, encase yourself in whatever element you’re strongest in using, but ensure it's not an element that drains a vast amount of energy. That will give you enough time for a council member to reach you. Class dismissed," she finished.

We rose to our feet, thanking Ms. Arcadia for another great lesson and made our way out of the classroom.

"I need a nap." Caio yawned.

"You've been yawning a lot today," Theo pointed out.

Caio frowned. "It's cloudy. You know I don't do well when there's not a lot of sun out. I hope it's not gonna be gloomy next week. That would be a pain in the ass," Caio complained.

"Don't worry, I'll lug you around campus," Cairus reassured him.

"I don't want you carrying me everywhere. Next week is written exams. Easy peasy. I'll crawl if I have to," Caio stated, yawning again.

I rubbed my eyes, allowing Orion to guide me as we walked down the hall. I'd sent Arielle to go home first, knowing she'd need the rest after her magnificent display of justice.

"You okay, Cutie Pie? You look beat," Finn asked.

"I'm fine. Maybe I'll have a nap during lunch," I admitted.

"Hey, Orion. Why don't you take Celestia home? We'll catch up. We gotta get a few things from the store," Theo suggested.

"Ya. Celestia looks like she'll walk into a wall like last time," Hunter pointed out.

"I didn't walk into a wall," I grumbled, closing my eyes.

"And she's done for," Caio and Cairus said together.

"Take her home, Orion. And watch out for any vamps. I bet they're pissed their little prince got his ass whooped," Hunter instructed, a smile of satisfaction on his lips.

"Got it. Don't forget pink and purple," Orion reminded.

I didn't know what they were talking about, but didn't really care. I just wanted to rest for a little bit.

"Cutie Pie?" Finn asked.

I felt his hand brush against my cheek, prompting me to open my eyes to meet his concerned look. He frowned.

"Sleep when you get home. We'll tell Othello you're not feeling well and need to be excused from afternoon classes, okay?" he reassured.