Page 85 of Celestia, Year One

"Come out, you damn cowar—" he began, but didn't finish.

It seemed like everything went into slow motion as something appeared to have kicked his gut with so much force he flew off his feet, soaring into the air, across the front of the room and straight into the classroom door. He crashed right through it, landing in the hallway.

Flames circled around an inch from where Vincent once stood, Arielle’s figure reappeared as the fiery tendrils danced up her body. Her leg was still up in its kick formation. She lowered it, taking a deep breath before she clapped her hands together and bowed at the door.

"Night, night, Vinny. Don't piss my Mistress off again or I'll cremate you," she vowed. She turned to his group in the corner who all wore pale expressions.

"Why don't you guys go take your buddy to the nurse's office? Be all supportive and shit," she huffed.

They shuffled out of their seats in a frenzy, rushing down the stairs and out the door. Multiple people laughed and cheered.

"That was fucking awesome!" one girl announced.

"Celestia? How did you do that? Can you teach us?" a group of girls came up to her and asked.

"I think you guys will learn it sooner or later," I replied, sliding off the table to walk over to Arielle. She grinned as she snapped her fingers; the flames around her disappeared into smoke.

"You okay? Not tired or dizzy?" Arielle whispered, not wanting anyone else to hear our conversation.

I gave her a small smile, "I'll live. I think I won't feel it until after class, but thank you for fighting for me." I rubbed her head gently.

She gave me a wide grin. "I'll always protect you. Just as you've always protected me," she vowed, stepping back to bow. Her body was engulfed in light and her little harpy form appeared. She flew around me and landed on my shoulder, picking at her feathers.

"Settle down, class. Now that Ms. Rainbow has proven herself worthy, let's get back to our lecture," Ms. Arcadia announced.

I thanked Ms. Arcadia, walking back up the stairs to return to my seat; Hunter shuffled his chair to let me pass through. Finn and Theo turned around while the twins leaned forward.

"You did awesome, Cutie Pie!" Finn praised.

"Good work, Celestia," Theo smiled at her.

"Epic for sure," Caio chimed in.

"Amazing, Dearest," Cairus complimented.

"You did well, Celestia," Orion praised.

"Thanks, guys." I blushed, not used to all the attention and compliments. I turned to Hunter who looked at me with awe.

"You didn't have to do that," he whispered.

"I wanted to," I replied.

He nodded, leaning forward. "Thank you, Celestia," he whispered in my ear, followed by a soft kiss on my cheek.

"You did not just kiss her on the cheek!" Finn huffed.

Hunter rolled his eyes. "What you gonna do about it? You're so damn loud," Hunter argued, crumbling a piece of paper and throwing it at Finn who dodged it.

"I'll deal with you after class," Finn grumbled.

"Whatever," Hunter retorted.

I giggled at their exchange. "Just admit you’re jealous, Finn," I laughed.

"I'm not!" he replied, his face a bright red.

"BRU-REE!" Arielle roared, catching all of our attention.