Page 63 of Celestia, Year One

"Revenge," I grinned.

"It tastes bittersweet," he joked. He tightened his grip on my hand. "Celestia. You’re strong and that's what ticks him off. Don't let him see you so afraid. Lift your head up high and prove to him he's nothing but a pathetic rodent. And if it makes you feel better, know that Team Misfit will be right there to back you up," Theo confirmed.

"Thanks, Theo...and thank you for sharing," I whispered.

"Thanks for not judging," he replied, his cheeks tinged a light pink.

I grinned. "Were you worried I'd turn you away?" I asked.

His cheek grew redder. "No."

"You were worried."

"I wasn't."

"Uh huh."

"We're late for class," he reminded, tugging my hand as he walked forward. He was blushing so hard that even his ears were turning red.

I laughed. "Theo, you sure are cute," I giggled.

"I'm not," he huffed. He grasped the doorknob, stopping for a moment. "And Celestia?" he asked, looking over his shoulder.

"Yes, Theo?" I asked.

"Let's celebrate your birthday soon. I'm sorry we missed it, but there’s no harm celebrating it a little late." He grinned, opening the door and tugging me along.

I smiled and felt the fluttering of butterflies in my stomach. I didn't know what I did to deserve this amazing team. But I hoped they would stick around and I'd learn more about all of them in time.

* * *

"He was so frustrated. I thought he'd explode," I laughed.

"I wish I could have taken a picture of his expression," Theo chuckled.

"You wouldn't need to. I bet his face is going to be like that the entire day," I joked.

"Entire week," Theo replied.

We'd just finished our first three-hour class and it was the best learning experience I'd ever had. Theo was very knowledgeable in magic, explaining during the break that he'd taken many classes back at home. Because they lived far away, it would have been too hard on his mother to take him to school, so he was homeschooled. After returning home from the coven, he picked back up with his studies and that was when he'd really gotten into magic usage.

Close combat was his specialty and that was why he used short blades or daggers to fight. He could still do different spells for long ranged attacks, but it was more draining on him physically.

I told him about my training with Magnor and the huge number of books he had in his library, some of which both Theo and I had read and enjoyed. Theo had a tough front, but he was actually very easy to talk to. Or maybe it was just me since he'd glared at five different girls who tried to approach us at our shared table.

Time flew by and then class was over. We were all in different classes for the next lesson, but all of Team Misfit agreed we'd meet up at the lockers beforehand. We turned the corner toward our section of lockers; Hunter leaned against the gold and purple lockers that our team had been assigned.

"Hunter," I called out.

He noticed our approach, pushing off the lockers and giving us a slight wave. "How was class?" he asked when we reached his side.

"Made Vamp boy red-faced for the entire class. It was epic." Theo grinned, opening his assigned locker.

"He was in your class?" Hunter asked, looking down at me.

I smiled "Yup."

"He didn't cause you any trouble, right?" Hunter inquired.