Page 64 of Celestia, Year One

"Nope. We used the confidence technique and ignored him and his group of assholes," I replied.

Theo nodded, closing his locker. "Where are the others?" Theo asked.

"Caio and Cairus have the same class as Orion and left first. Something about the teacher being a bitch or so they heard," Hunter replied, shrugging.

"And Pixie Boy?" I asked, wondering where Finn went. Arms wrapped around me from behind, pulling me into a tight embrace.

"Hey, Cutie Pie. Did you miss me?" Finn asked.

I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Wow. Did we move to second base overnight, Pixie Boy?" I asked, looking down at how close his hand was to my boob. I gave him a smug grin when his face grew red, pulling away.

"That's...not...I'm not like Orion," he huffed.

"Of course you’re not. Orion would take advantage of the moment instead of getting all red-faced and embarrassed. You gotta think ahead, buddy," Hunter sighed, shaking his head while Theo laughed.

"Shut it," Finn replied, walking to his locker that was two down from mine.

"What class do you have, Finn?" I asked. I didn't need the books that were in my locker since my next class would be training in the fields.

"Advanced Spellcasting and Design," Finn replied, retrieving a book and closing his locker.

"Same," Theo announced.

"I have Field Training. Probably some basic teaching focused on using a specific weapon," Hunter stated.

"I'm with Hunter," I announced.

"Alright. What's after this, lunch?" Finn asked.

"Yup. Are we eating back at the dorm?" I asked.

"Yep. The twins are awesome cooks. I picked up some groceries this morning before you guys woke up so we have plenty of time to make something," Finn explained.

"Sounds like a plan. Cafe food is meh here," Hunter revealed.

"How do you—OW," Theo began, but a vine slapped his head.

"FINN! I will fucking—" Theo began, but Finn just gave me a quick pat on the head and began walking away.

"We're gonna be late, Theo," Finn called out, waving his hand.

"Fucking plant boy!" Theo called out, before following him. He stopped for a moment, turning around. "See you two at lunch!" he called out before sprinting to catch up to Finn.

I looked at Hunter who had a blank expression on his face.

"Hunter?" I asked.

He blinked, meeting my curious gaze.

"You okay?" I inquired.

"Yup. Perfectly fine. Let's go. Don't want to be late either. Ms. Arcadia seems like a harsh woman and we don't want to get on her bad side," Hunter suggested. He slipped his hand in mine, pulling me down the hall.

I grinned at our joined hands. Theo had done the same thing. I didn't get why they were so comfortable with holding my hand, but I didn't mind it. In fact, I loved their touches. It was something I'd never gotten the chance to experience when I was younger.

I hoped I'd get the opportunity to learn more about Hunter as I did with Theo in the last class.

Maybe then I'd figure out what's troubling him.