Page 60 of Celestia, Year One


"I like your hair, Celestia. Leave it that way," Orion replied, taking my hair tie and walking out the room.

I blinked, staring at the doorway where he no longer stood.

"Bru-ree?" Arielle chirped, flying from the desk to land on my shoulder.

"He's full of mystery," I replied.


"I agree. I don't agree with you! I don't like him like him," I argued, realizing what Arielle was actually saying.

"Bru-ree re, re," she sang happily, leaving my shoulder and began flying around the room in a circle.

I groaned, glancing at the standing mirror near the door. "Guess I'm leaving my hair down today."

After we gathered and ate breakfast together, which was a back and forth of 'who gets the last piece of bacon' between Hunter and Finn and the twins discussing the benefits of maple syrup, we had to get our schedules.

Due to everything being organized alphabetically, we had all been separated. Othello was working on getting us all the same classes, but with the first two weeks being chaotic, we told him he could work on it at his convenience. Now I was two minutes from being late, but couldn't manage to take another step forward after I had seen Vincent walk into the room when I'd turned the corner.

I thought I'd be able to overcome my fear of classrooms, especially being in the same room as Vincent and his groupie of vamps. But now that I was a few steps away from starting my first class at Aslan Academy, my sheer anxiety and fear wouldn't let me walk forward.


I turned my head to the sound of my name.

Theo's red eyes met mine. He frowned, walking to my side. "What's wrong? You're pale. Not feeling well? Did Caio and Cairus give you too much maple syrup at breakfast?" he questioned.

I gave him a small smile, shaking my head. "No. I just..." I trailed off, glancing at the window of the classroom.

Theo followed my gaze; his eyes narrowed. "Ah," he replied. He slipped his hand into mine, pulling me away from the room.

"Huh? Theo, where are we going?" I asked.

"You need some fresh air," he replied.

"But class," I argued.

"Later," he replied.

We walked up a stairway, going from the third floor where we had been to the sixth floor of the modernized castle. Othello had explained that the castle had a mind of its own and could change colors whenever it felt like it. Today it was a dark purple, reminding me of Sia's fondness for the color.

Theo led me up to the roof. There was a barrier along the edges to prevent anyone from falling over. We walked to a metal bench that was in the far corner of the roof. Theo suggested I sit down first.

I thanked him, sitting down and he joined me on my right, relaxing against the silver metal.

"Take a few deep breaths," he coached.

I sighed and nodded, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. He eyed me carefully while I continued the breathing techniques.

"Slightly better?" he asked.

I nodded with a smile. "Sorry," I apologized; my smile turned to a frown as I glanced at my hands in my lap. They trembled slightly thanks to my pent-up anxiety.

"You don't need to apologize," Theo assured. He sat up, reaching out to cradle my hands in his.

"I'm guessing this reaction is because of Vincent?" he asked.