Page 50 of Celestia, Year One

"I'll explain when everyone's awake. It's a long story," I admitted. I was fine with them knowing since I could imagine Hunter would eventually tell them what happened with the Rhinroys anyway, but I needed to know what my unicorn drugged self said first.

"Okay. To answer your question, you were basically having a giggle fit for fifteen minutes straight; we thought we'd have to put you in the mental ward on the other side of the school," Finn explained.

"Oh...that's not bad." I sighed, feeling relieved.

Finn grinned, continuing. "Then you started preaching about world peace and how the dimensions need to think about Mother Nature and the usage of recycling to rid the world of useless junk. Then you went on about how rainbows came to be and how unique and different your name was. Then you called Orion a hot magic magnet and that you'd love to ride his pon—"

"STOP!" I raised my hand as if to prevent his next words.

Finn chuckled but continued. "Aside from your multiple attempts at getting in the sheets with Orion, you began telling the twins how interesting it would be if they dated the same girl and the magical positions they—"

"I did not!"

"You certainly did and then you said that two was better than one," he revealed.

I covered my face that I was certain was bright red. "Please no more."

"Oh, Cutie Pie, I'm not done. You wouldn't leave Hunter alone until you stripped off his shirt and felt his abs. Then, you went to Theo and told him his hair was an abomination for having black in the mix and he needed to add orange or any other color from the rainbow to be worthy," Finn continued.


"And you called me Papi and told me I could use my vines on you any day."


"And all this occurred when Magnor was in the room; he eventually knocked you out after you pinned Orion and began kissing him," Finn concluded.

" I should have let the Forsaken get rid of me," I cried, falling back into the sheets.

Arielle flew to my side, sitting on my pillow. "Bru-Ree?"

"Yes, Arielle. If I die, I'll take you along with me," I confessed, lifting the blanket to hide us both.Maybe if I hid, I could forget I ever heard any of that.

"It was cute," Finn pointed out.

I lowered the sheet to glare at him. "You’re gonna cast me away because of my weirdness," I grumbled.

He frowned. "I wouldn't."


"Celestia. We aren't gonna ditch you or make fun of you. Unless you don't want us as teammates or as friends, you're stuck with us," he declared.

I sat up, letting go of the blanket and turning to stare straight into his eyes. I knew he was serious by the gravity in his tone, but I couldn't believe it. It felt like I was in a dream and would wake any minute. "Finn..." I whispered.

"Just say yes, so we can go back to sleep," a muffled voice encouraged.

I turned to my left to see Hunter staring at us, a pillow snuggled in his arms. He looked like he could barely keep his eyes open.

"I agree. But I still want to switch beds," Orion mumbled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Are we planning a sleepover?" Caio called out.

"Cause if you are, we're attending," Cairus finished.

"Or we can just agree to be a team and get our dorm secured so we don't need to sleep here. These beds suck ass," Theo complained.

Finn snickered. Arielle hopped off my lap, flying over to perch on Hunter's bicep.