Page 51 of Celestia, Year One

"Hunter, Orion...Caio, Cairus...Theo…you guys want me on your team?" I asked.

They all nodded.

"Totally," Caio and Cairus said together.

"Sure. Bonus points for ticking Vincent off," Theo grinned.

"Yes," Orion confirmed, a serene smile on his face.

"I'm saying yes so I can go back to sleep," Hunter mumbled.

"Bru-Ree." Arielle poked his cheek.

"OW. Okay fine. Yes," he grumbled.

Finn leaned his chair back. "You see? If you were more honest, life would go much smooth—" he began, but was cut off by his chair falling back and crashing to the ground.

I covered my mouth to muffle my giggles, but the others all laughed.

"Hunter!" Finn growled.

"Wasn't me," Hunter mumbled.

"Orion," Caio and Cairus said together.

I glanced at Orion who had a sly smile on his pink lips.

He shrugged. "Too tempting to pass up. Now, Celestia are we friends already? I wouldn't mind another nap before we have to listen to story time," Orion confessed, yawning.

I smiled. "I'd be honored to have all of you as friends and I think Team M would be a perfect fit," I announced.

"Team Misfit," Theo pondered.

"I kinda like it," the twins said in unison, nodding to one another.

"Hmm. Everyone thought they were bringing us down, but we'll prove to them what we got," Orion replied.

"Fine by me. Better than a stupid name like Team Magic," Hunter replied.

"That's because Magic was my idea, you jerk. Move the fuck over," Finn muttered.

"You have your own bed," he countered.

"So? Move it or I'll tell Celestia about that time when we were younger and you—"

Hunter groaned, shuffling over.

Arielle flew to sit on Orion's shoulder.

"Team Misfits of Aslan Academy. Perfect," I finalized.

The others nodded in agreement.

Finn settled in on one half of Hunter's bed, both of them falling asleep within a minute. The twins both settled and Theo walked over and sat between them, the three of them having some conversation about some dimension I never heard of. Orion got out of bed, walking over to my side.

"Can I sit with you for a bit, Celestia?" he asked.

I grinned, shuffling over to give him space. "Sure," I said, patting the free half of the bed.