Page 3 of Pure Temptation

“I’m sorry,” I tell her, squeezing her arm gently. “Maybe you can show him that you’re more. You never know. It could be a good marriage.”

“Maybe,” she responds, but you can tell she doesn’t mean it.

“Okay, I’m all finished. What do you think?”

Emilia checks in the mirror and smiles, “You did great and I’m going to quit whining for the night. Now, it’s your turn to sit here,” she says getting up. “I’m going to do your hair, and then we will find you a beautiful dress to wear tonight."

"Oh no," I tell her shaking my head. "My dress will do fine. I don’t need to borrow one of yours. With my luck, I’ll spill something on it that will ruin the fabric forever.”

“Have you seen my closet? There are so many clothes in there. Niko is always sending me things. I will never be able to wear all of them. Stop arguing, and let’s find a dress!” Emilia says, laughing.

We walk over to her closet, and I self-consciously smooth out my dress. I’m going to do it because finding me a dress is the first thing that has made my best friend not look sad all day. I’d do anything for her.



Sitting in Salsa with Niko,I glance around at all the people milling about. We’ve been here for twenty minutes, waiting for the women to show up. Niko said Emilia made some excuse not to get picked up by us on the way here. It annoyed him—that’s plain to see. Still, he let her get by with it. That’s just proof how much he will give in to make her happy.

I make a show of glancing at my watch. I’m not as put out as I want him to think. I’m the more laid-back one when it comes to us. Still, seeing my usually cool and detached friend glance around for Emilia is enough for me to egg him on.

“They’re late,” I murmur, hiding my smile. “You should teach your fiancée to be more prompt.”

I shouldn’t keep poking at him, but I can’t help myself. He’s always so uptight, and I’m usually the only one who can get him to snap out of it.

“Aren’t you the one who told me women are worth waiting for? Not to mention the way you keep telling me to slow down and not be in such a hurry.”

“I’m pretty sure I was eight when I told you that about women” I point out.

“Yes, eight and strung out over Bridgette Maroney.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Oh, Bridgette. I remember her. At that point, she was the love of my life.” I put a hand over my heart. Niko laughs along with me for a minute.

I can sometimes get him to laugh and loosen up, but usually, business and the stress of his position rules him. I hope that eventually his relationship with Emilia will bring more joy into his life.

“Do you know what ever happened to Bridgette?” Niko asks, taking a sip of his drink as his eyes dart around again.

I know he’s trying to distract himself. He doesn’t want his nerves to get to him. The big boss man has a thing for Emilia. Now, he just needs to admit it to her. No woman wants to be considered just a business deal. Niko needs to show her he’s not the cold, calculated businessman she believes he is.

“Bridgette looked me up a few years back,” I confess, covering my smile by taking a sip of my drink. Niko’s eyes go wide in shock for a split second.

“And you never thought to mention it?” Niko asks. “Was she looking to rekindle the great love affair of Orchard M. Elementary?”

“Sadly, no. She was looking for a lawyer to defend her in a murder trial,” I tell him nonchalantly.

“Holy shit!”

“Apparently, she didn’t appreciate coming home to find her man in bed with her neighbor’s husband,” I tell him, unable to hide the smirk as I watch Niko wince.

“Ouch,” Niko says, his eyes flicking to the door again.

“Yeah,” I laugh. “On the bright side, Bridgette had nice tits. So, the meeting wasn’t too bad. I had to explain that I only handle corporate law and sent her to one of my colleagues. I might’ve dodged a bullet there.”

“Most likely,” Niko mutters.

I glance around the room to see Emilia walking in. The bombshell of a woman beside her catches my eye.

I let out a low whistle. “Who is that curvy goddess walking in with Emilia?”