Page 4 of Pure Temptation

Niko looks back towards the entrance and then glares at me. “That’s Zoe Cooper.”

“I may have just found Bridgette’s replacement as the love of my life,” I mutter, unable to take my eyes off her.

“Zoe is not for you. She’s Emilia’s best friend, and you breaking her heart will not help Emilia warm up to me and our pending marriage in the slightest.”

I frown. “I’m not so sure it’s her heart you should worry about.”

I can’t tear my eyes away from the woman walking with my friend’s fiancée. Her luscious curves sway hypnotically as the women make their way over to us. She hasn’t even noticed us yet as she glances around the room. Her fire-red curls bounce with her steps. My fingers itch to run through them.I bet her curls are as soft as her curves.Never have I been so enamored with a woman by just one look.

I can feel eyes cutting into me. I glance at Niko to see that he’s not happy with how I keep staring at Zoe, but I can’t keep my eyes off her.

If staring at her affects me like this, what will she do to me when I get to know her?

And I will get to know her.

I actually plan on learning everything about her—including the way she smells in my bed after I’ve fucked her hard and touched every inch of her body. I shift uncomfortably in my seat, my cock already like granite just from thinking about it. Zoe Cooper is going to be trouble with a capital T.



Glancing around,it’s hard not to compare myself to all the people in this place. I’m not from money, so I usually feel like a duck out of water when I go out with Emilia to this kind of thing. I wouldn’t put myself through this for anyone else—only for my best friend. Even if she isn’t vocal about it, I know she needs me. That sounds boastful, but it’s true. She’s the yin to my yang. We balance each other out and have since day one.

On the surface, the billionaire heiress should have nothing to do with a poor girl from Palatka, Florida. Emilia and I should’ve never met. It was pure happenstance that we did. We both think that fate might’ve stepped in that day. My father saved hers, and it brought together two girls who had nothing in common. We became sisters in every way but blood.

Growing up, my dad had two jobs. During his day job, he was a line cook and at night, he would bus tables. Sometimes, I got to help, but we didn’t see a lot of him. Dad worked hard so we would have clothes, food, and a roof over our heads. Mom began getting sick, which left all of the financial burden on him. As a kid, I didn’t understand, but I do now.

Mr. Korslova stopped into the diner my dad worked at one night with some of his entourage. It wasn’t the type of place he frequented, but it was late at night, and he was in the area. Dad said a piece of bacon went down the wrong way while Korslova was eating. Choking sounds filled the diner and the waitress began yelling. My dad ran out to see what was happening. Dad had to give the man the Heimlich because everyone else just stood watching him gasp for air—his entourage included.

The minute Korslova could breathe, he started offering my dad money. Dad wouldn’t take it, saying that a good deed like that doesn’t need to be paid for. When Korslova kept pressing for what he could do to help my dad out, dad finally explained that he was just trying to take care of his girls—which meant my mother and me. Korslova insisted that we come to his home for a family dinner on Sunday. My dad explained that my mother was terminal and unable to attend, but Korslova insisted that he bring me.

Emilia and I met for the first time that Sunday. We bonded instantly—so much so that after a month of play dates and constant phone calls, Mr. Korslova pulled my dad aside to tell him of his plan. He would pay for a first-class education for me so that Emilia and I wouldn’t be separated.

Fast forward to now and that explains why I’m graduating from a high-priced, glorified finishing school. Mr. Korslova forced Emilia to go there and didn’t want her to be alone.

It also explains why I’m in Miami’s hottest restaurant, where the water costs more than my part-time job could afford. I push away the uneasiness, ready to ignore it, but it’s harder to ignore the feeling when I know someone is staring at me. It’s so intense that when I look up, I can immediately pick out who is doing it.

I find it hard to look away from the dark eyes raking over me. He’s so handsome that I fight the urge to look behind me to see if he might be looking at someone else. His hair is a mixture of dark and golden brown, with a slight curl to it. A neatly trimmed beard surrounds his full lips and does nothing to hide the edge of his jawline. He’s mouthwatering and gorgeous.

I stumble a step, causing Emilia to grab my elbow as I try to hide that I just tripped over my heels.

“What’s wrong?” she whispers.

“The guy with Niko is staring at me,” I explain, discreetly. I’d rather he not know that I’m talking about him.

Emilia frowns as she looks toward the table. “Oh, that’s Callan. He’s Niko’s best friend and attorney.”

“Attorney?” I ask. “Eww.” I scrunch my nose. We laugh it off but cut it short as we get to the table.

The men stand as we arrive, and I find myself feeling dwarfed by their size. Niko takes Emilia’s hand, pulling her forward slightly to press a kiss to her forehead. When she’s ready to sit, he takes control there, too. I go to sit down across from Emilia, and Callan mimics Niko, pulling out my chair for me.

“Thank you,” I respond, trying hard not to blush. He smiles at me, and I notice what a great smile he has.

I must remind myself that he’s not for me. I shouldn’t want his attention. I don’t live in the same world that he does. His suit likely costs more than my car. Admittedly, my crappy car is only one step above Fred Flintstone’s foot-powered vehicle. If one more part goes out, I’ll be hitchhiking to work.

“You ladies look beautiful tonight,” Niko says. While the compliment is nice, I note that he’s not taken his eyes off my bestie since she walked in. A small smile curves my lips. I know Emilia like his attention—even if she tries to pretend that she doesn’t. I want it to work out between them. Emilia deserves happiness.

“You guys look nice, too,” Emilia says with a soft smile.