Page 2 of I Love You Today

“Ah, I don’t know. I’m not sure what thehappy couplehad planned. I really just came to help pack.” Rolling his eyes, he sighed. “And maybe earn some points back with Josh.”

Casey’s hands grasped the doorknob of the apartment. She turned, pushing her back against the door before sliding inside. “Mavs told me he’s pretty mad.”

Austin nodded, following her with a snort. “You could say that.”

“Well... he’s not here, so you should stay and eat. Dimo’s has the best pizza in the entire city.” She tapped the box and inhaled, a smirk growing along her lips.

Placing the grocery bags on the kitchen counter, Austin surveyed the stark white walls of the little apartment as it blazed in the afternoon sunlight. It cast a hazy orange glow behind Casey as she shrugged out of her coat and dumped it on a chair.

Jarring the entire apartment, a door slammed in the hallway, followed by a burst of manic laughter.

“What the hell?” Poking his head out the door, Austin caught the tail end of a trench coat as it flew down the stairs. He frowned and ducked back inside. “You didn’t answer me before. Are you going to be living here alone?”

Casey nodded. “I mean, until I can find a new roommate.”

The tips of his fingers tingled with unease. “But that can’t be that hard in a city like this, right? You’ll find someone pretty quick.”

Her gaze dropped to the floor as she freed her toes from the battered flip-flops on her feet. “Oh, umm, yeah, for sure.” She pointed toward the bags on the table. “Want a drink?”

Austin snorted. “Always.” His hand gripped the first bottle of gin as he pulled it from the plastic and set it on the counter, casting the disquiet sloshing in his stomach aside.

It’s just a weird neighbor... no big deal.

Casey’s bare feet pounded against the tile floor and into the kitchen as her head disappeared into a cabinet. She pulled two glasses from the shelf and yanked open the freezer. “Gin and tonic okay?” she asked as ice cubes tinkled into their cups.

Austin barked out a laugh.Oh, the trouble that drink has caused me...

“Something funny?” She pushed the freezer door closed with a wrinkled nose and uncapped the bottle.


She poured, her gaze lifting to meet his. “Are you okay?”

“What makes you think I’m not?”Am I that obvious?

“Why are gin and tonics funny?” Snatching a spoon from across the counter, she stirred each drink.

Austin cringed.Eww. That definitely wasn’t clean.“They’re not. Er—they just tend to get me in a lot of trouble.”

Casey smiled, stretching her glass outward to meet his. “Well... here’s to trouble then. Cheers.” She brought the cup to her lips and sipped.

“Cheers, Casey.” The alcohol swirled in his mouth, the welcomed impending break from reality sliding down his throat. “That’s good.” He nodded. “You bartend with Mavis, right?”

“Used to. Before her knight in shining armor showed up.” Smirking, she gestured toward the apartment door. “And I suppose I have you to thank for that.” Casey tipped her glass in his direction.

With a roll of his eyes, Austin tugged an old, beat-up barstool from beneath the counter and eased onto the cracked leather seat. “Look, this whole thing didn’t exactly play out the way I wanted it to either.”

Casey plopped down beside him, propping her feet up on the tarnished metal rim of his chair.

“No, no, I’m sorry. I know it’s not your fault.” She swirled the ice in her glass, frowning into the drink. “I’m just being a grouch. I don’t want her to leave.”

The ping of a text message interrupted her admission as Casey’s bag on the dining room table vibrated. She turned, leaning forward to tug at the strap. It caught the corner of the pizza box and Austin lunged to save dinner. “Oh, shit! Good catch!”

He pushed the pizza box back to the center of the table and smiled.

This girl is a walking accident...

“It’s Mavis. She said they’re stuck in traffic. A car wreck on Lake Shore and it’s down to one lane. It may take them a while to get home.” She typed a quick response and set her phone down on the counter. “Want some pizza before it gets cold?”