“Can’t pass up Chicago’s best now, can I?” Austin grinned, spinning in his seat to eye the pizza box.
It does smell good...
“You really can’t. It’s totally the best. You’ll see, California boy.” With a wink, Casey hopped from her seat and grabbed two paper plates and a roll of paper towels from the kitchen.
Austin followed her lead to the dining room table and opened the box. Big chunks of yellow fruit stared back, haphazardly spread across the greasy delicacy. He scrunched his nose. “Is that pineapple? On pizza?”
“Don’t knock it ’til you try it.” Her elbow jabbed him in the side as she pulled a slice from the box. “Come on. Be a big boy.”
With a roll of his eyes, Austin snagged an extra cheesy piece. He followed Casey into the living room and watched as she plopped down into the sofa’s corner. Dropping his fruit-covered pizza on the coffee table, he tugged his sweatshirt free from his body. “Figures that the best Chicago has to offer is a topping from California.”
Casey shrugged. “Eh, these are probably from Florida.”
He snorted, stepping back toward the kitchen. “Do you want your drink?”
“Yep! And don’t be afraid to refill.” She giggled, her bubble of light laughter soothing the bad mood accompanying him to the Midwest.
“You read my mind.” Austin topped off their drinks and shuffled back into the living room as Casey shoved the last bite of her pizza slice in her mouth. He sank into the seat beside her, his knees greeting his face as his butt dropped into the dilapidated cushion.
“Sorry, shitty sofa.” She smirked, her cheeks flushing pink again. “Sit like this and you’ll be more comfortable.”
Austin pushed his shoes off and curled up with his feet tucked beneath him as instructed, mirroring Casey’s position. He grabbed his pizza from the table and sniffed.
“Oh, my God, just try it.” Casey rolled her eyes as his teeth sank into the first bite.
The sweetness of the pineapple exploded in his mouth, meeting the salt of the sauce and dough.
“See. Delicious, right?” She tore off a piece of paper towel and tossed it in his lap.
“All right, it’s not bad.” He nodded, taking another bite.
Casey giggled. “Hey, are you a Cubs fan?” Leaning across his body, she swiped the remote control from the side table, knocking a magazine to the floor with her sudden movement.
His stomach dropped, her abrupt closeness warming his body. The sweet scent of lilacs infused with the pizza and gin as she settled back in her seat beside him.
Austin shook his head, ridding his body of the surprising warmth. “Umm no. Lifelong Dodgers fan,” he choked out. He reached forward, gripping the magazine on the floor untilThe Funny Partmet his gaze.
Ah, that’s right. E. Banks...
“Figures.” She scanned the channels, landing quickly on the Chicago Cubs. They led Cincinnati seven to five.
“So, Miss E. Banks... baseball then? That’s your thing?”
“Guilty.” She smiled and tugged the blanket from the corner of the couch around her shoulders. “My dad used to take me to Wrigley all the time as a kid. When you grow up here, you just kind of inherit the fandom.”
Austin nodded. “My dad did the same, but mostly basketball games, I guess. Some baseball.” He finished his pizza. “And you were right. This California boy is impressed.” He tossed the empty paper plate to the coffee table with a wink.
“See. Stick with me, Austin Templeton. I’ll teach you the ways of the Midwest. And I’ll even show you around the city if you want? There’s more than just pineapple pizza.” She giggled again, inciting a smile on his lips.
I think I might just have to take you up on that, Casey girl.
“Actually, it’s funny you say that. The partners at the law firm I work for were considering opening a new branch here.”
“Oh? That’s right. Mavis told me you were a lawyer.”
“You say it like it’s a bad thing.” His eyes met hers as he flashed a grin.