Page 57 of Dark Desires

She wanted to scream, but she knew that Drake’s plan to bring this monster to justice depended on him having the element of surprise. If she let on that she knew who he was, what he’d done, he might flee the country and just continue his horrific deeds somewhere else.

Instead, she started edging back toward the house, praying that he wouldn’t be brazen enough to follow her inside. She didn’t want to bring this monster into the O’Briens’ house, but she certainly couldn’t stay out here with him.

“Who are you?” she asked warily, as if she didn’t already know.

“I’m Viscount Danbury, my dear,” he said conversationally, slowly stalking her through the hedges. “Your paramour is my little brother. He came to see me a few days ago, told me he was so smitten with you that he wasn’t going to come home anymore. Apparently, fucking you means more to him than his own dear brother. You must be very good at it. I must say, I’m intrigued.”

She gasped, hurt and indignation swirling within her. Had Drake really said such things to this man? Had he made it sound like she was some cheap whore?

No.Almost as quickly as the thought came, she managed to banish it. Before Drake had found out about her betrayal, he’d asked her to marry him. He certainly wouldn’t cheapen what they shared to a man like this. Not unless it was all part of his plan, and if so, she couldn’t take offense.

“You’re mistaken.” She wished she dared turn around and see how far she was from safety. “Blackstone has no interest in me. That’s why I’m here and not at his house. We had a row, and he sent me away.”

Danbury continued to slowly stalk her, seeming to enjoy the game of cat and mouse. “Excellent. You did prove rather elusive to find. But if Drake’s done with you, it means you’re free to entertain me.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said nervously, swallowing thickly as she remembered what this monster had done to Evelyn. But the house was in sight now. If she just continued on another fifty feet, she could duck inside and scream bloody murder for Quinn and the O’Briens’ strapping footmen.

“You haven’t told me your name yet.”

“I don’t intend to,” she said sharply. “If Drake had wanted to introduce us, he would have. But since we are not acquainted, it is not proper for you to be here. Mr. O’Brien wouldn’t like it.”

Something evil flickered in those dark eyes. “You’re not what I was expecting,” he said conversationally, as if she hadn’t just dismissed him. “I expected someone crass and vulgar. But you’re almost a lady. So sweet and innocent. I see now why Drake found you so appealing.”

She didn’t want this man to find her appealing. In fact, she didn’t want him to think of her at all. She would not become just another of The Viper’s victims. This was not how her story was going to end. Giving up all pretense of calm, she whirled and sprinted toward the back door as fast as her legs would carry her.

Before she could reach it, he slammed into her from behind, crushing her against him as one hand closed over her breast. “I’m a viscount,” he hissed in her ear, pinching her nipple painfully. “No bloody whore is going to run from me and not pay the price.”

“Unhand the lady,” an authoritative voice demanded, and she twisted her head to see the young, dark-haired policeman who was such a favorite of Quinn’s step out of the hedges behind them.Constable Pond.She’d never been so glad to see anyone. He stepped forward, calm and surprisingly collected, a gun in his hand.

“Do you know who I am?” Danbury snapped, squeezing her even tighter, turning her so that she acted as a shield between him and the constable.

“I know exactly who you are, Lord Danbury,” Constable Pond countered. “I’m here on your brother’s orders. Let the lady go. She doesn’t want your attention.”

“He has men watching over you?” Danbury snarled in her ear. “Why would he have his men watching over a whore?”

A sob caught in her throat when he pulled out a knife and pressed it against her throat. For a second, she wasn’t quite certain what had happened. But the press of the cold metal against her skin brought a rush of tears to her eyes and the wordwhorestill rang in her ears.

“Stop right there,” Pond shouted, the hand that held the gun trembling slightly. “If you take one more step, I will shoot you.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” Danbury snarled. “I could cut her throat right in front of you, and you’d still never shoot someone like me.”

“I’m not going to let you hurt her.” Pond kept the gun leveled at Danbury’s head. “I’d go to prison myself before I’d let you harm one hair on this woman’s head.”

Danbury edged her a few steps toward the gate, and the knife pressed harder into her skin. From the burning sensation and the horror on Pond’s face, she was certain he’d drawn blood.

“Lord Danbury, stop!” Pond bellowed.

“I’m leaving now,” Danbury informed the young policeman. “And I’m taking the woman with me.”

Constable Pond met Heather’s gaze, and in his eyes, she saw that he’d meant every word he’d said. He’d save her or die trying. She didn’t know whether Drake had tasked him with protecting her or stopping Danbury, but she was grateful all the same.

She just didn’t know how confident she was in the young man’s ability to shoot Danbury when he was only inches away from her. Still, she gave an almost imperceptible nod. She’d rather die like this than let Danbury take her somewhere alone and do to her what he’d done to Evelyn.

Danbury inched back another step, and Pond pulled the trigger.

* * *

WHEN DRAKE ARRIVEDback in London, he had his brother’s commitment papers in hand, signed by his father and witnessed by the family solicitor. He’d left at dawn, but the weather had turned bad again, and he’d fought light rain all the way. By the time he got home, he was cold and exhausted.