Page 56 of Dark Desires

Drake bit his lip to keep from erupting in rage. Of course, his father knew. Of course, he didn’t care. All he’d ever truly cared about was having an heir to continue his life’s work. Why couldn’t he see that Mortimer was a monster? That he’d run Stonebridge into the ground the moment he inherited the title?

“Lady Evelyn Lindsay was no whore,” Drake said in a low, controlled voice. “She was the daughter of one of your closest friends, and your son ripped her apart.”

“Evelyn...” His father shuddered and looked away, no longer able to hold Drake’s gaze. “I didn’t know he’d hurt Evelyn.”

Drake took a deep breath and withdrew a packet of papers from his breast pocket. “He needs to be locked away, Father. You know that the laws protect him, but soon enough, he’s going to make a mistake. And when he does, everyone will know the horrific things he’s done. We won’t be able to protect our family name once his sins are splashed all over the papers.”

“You just want the title for yourself,” the marquess accused, pushing himself to a sitting position and glaring at his younger son. “That’s why you’re telling me all these lies.”

“I’ve never wanted the damned title and you know it! I enjoy my job. I like making the city a safer place, even though you’ve never given me an ounce of respect or encouragement. But I can’t do that when my own brother is murdering young women!”” Drake raked a hand through his hair in agitation. This man had never given him a single kind word, and he certainly wasn’t going to start now. He’d forever believe that as the younger son, Drake was utterly useless. “And you know nothing I’ve said is a lie.”

“You can cover it up,” the marquess insisted. “You can make certain that he never gets caught. That our name is never tarnished by what he’s done.”

Drake could only shake his head in disgust. “I’m not the only one who knows that Danbury is The Viper. And I won’t stand in the way of those who are trying to bring him to justice. It would mean my job, and I care about that just as much as you care about the title. Is that the legacy you want to leave? A son who puts the Ripper to shame?”

The marquess sank back, breathing so heavily that Drake feared he might die of apoplexy. Then he put out a shaking hand. “I’ll do it. Give me the papers.”

Chapter Twenty-one

The next afternoon, Heather drifted aimlessly around Quinn and Allison’s garden, her mind still whirling with the events of the past week. She’d gained a lover and then lost him. Gone to jail and then been released. Gone from a servant to a beloved member of the family. Last night, they’d left Jocelyn’s, returning to the O’Briens’, where Allison had installed her in a lovely room in the family quarters, right next to her own. The highs and lows had left her spinning. She didn’t know what to make of any of it, and in truth, wished she could just go back in time a few months, before she’d met Jacob. When her life had been comfortable and boring. Before she’d known what true heartache felt like.

She wasn’t quite certain what her future held now. She’d have to testify against Jacob and the Citizens Committee, but it seemed that Allison’s money and status would protect her from truly having to face justice.

How was she supposed to feel about that? She knew there was nothing she could do to atone for the deaths Jacob had caused, but she felt that she deserved more than one afternoon in jail for her part in it.

But perhaps her true punishment was having known what it felt like to love a man, to have felt loved in return, even though he’d never said it, and then to lose that love forever.

She was so lost in morose thoughts that she was startled when a man stepped out from behind a hedge right into her path. Shocked, she stumbled to a stop, looking around wildly for the policemen that she had been assured would be stationed nearby, then remembered that they’d gone back to their regular duties once Jacob had been captured. Was this a member of the Citizens Committee? She didn’t think so. She’d never seen him before and he was dressed like a gentleman, with dark hair and piercing dark eyes

Then his gaze met hers, and a chill settled deep inside her. He looked eerily familiar.

Dear God. Is this Drake’s brother?

“So, you’re Drake’s new mistress,” he said, his voice cold and mocking. “I’ve never known my brother to be so enamored, so I decided that I must come have a look at you.”

The Viper.