Page 72 of Demon Kept

“Great news,” she said with a smile. “You’ve been officially pardoned. Ready to learn how to sew?”

“I’m not even sure I can lift my arms.”

Emily took my jacket from the entry and came toward me.

“Hannah said she tried to take it easy on you but that you weren’t getting your arms up fast enough. I thought I’d introduce you to something a little more peaceful. Trust me when I say you’ll want to keep moving around for a bit, or you’ll get stiff.”

She had me in my jacket and shoes and out the door before I knew what was happening.


Vorx and Turiktrailed behind us, going along with the flow.

“The group was big enough that we split into two,” Emily explained. “Julie is hosting one group at her house, and I’m hosting the other. Fifteen in each. Can you believe that?”

“No?” I still wasn’t sure what was going on.

“It’s insane how quickly willingness is changing now. June said it’s still chaotic over there with the continuation of the housing reshuffle, but she spoke with each volunteer coming here and explained your presence. No one had any problems. A lot of support, actually. Apparently, your ex didn’t have too many fans.”

“Can’t imagine why,” I said dryly.

Emily nodded. “Yeah, I’m glad there weren’t more people following his way of thinking. June said that there are a lot of fey coming and going now. They’re still doing the soup kitchen method of feeding everyone while they organize the schedule for supply runs. But, when June heard we were looking for people with some trade skills, she put a sign-up list at the beginning of the soup kitchen line yesterday. People got an extra biscuit if they could come up with five things they could do well. Everyone got an extra biscuit. But it turns out that Sam, June’s new housemate, knows how to knit. She’s going to be teaching us today.”

My head was spinning with that outpouring of information.

“I thought June was living with a fey,” I said, still trying to catch up.

“Oh, she is. Sam asked if she could live with them to see what living with a fey would be like. It’s part of the whole intermingling thing. If it’s anything like my experience, she’s going to be wearing headphones an awful lot.” She gave me a sheepish look. “It’s not something I’ll ask you to do. Dealing with two fey at once would scare away too many women.”

“What’s Julie’s group learning?” I asked, changing the subject.

“It’s a cooking class. Just the basics to see if anyone has talent.” She hesitated a moment, her steps slowing. “Would you rather go to that class?”

“No, knitting is fine. I was just curious. Asking Julie to lead cooking makes sense. She’s an amazing cook,” I said, thinking of her beef roast dinner.

“She is,” Emily agreed. “There will probably be some left if you want to stop in for a bite. Her door is always open to everyone.”

Not having to cook sounded divine since I wasn’t sure how I was going to stay awake for a knitting lesson, never mind dinner. But I knew Vorx and Turik wouldn’t let me starve.

I glanced over my shoulder at them. Turik flashed his teeth back at me. Vorx’s gaze swept me head to toe like he was seeing every sign of just how tired I was, from the drag in my step to the droop of my shoulders. I gave him a reassuring smile and focused on Emily’s conversation. Thankfully, we arrived at her house before I had to beg one of my guys for a ride.

“Are you two staying for the lessons, or are you going to go enjoy a bit of freedom around town?” she asked as we moved up the front walk.

“We will stay,” Turik said.

“You sure?” she asked. “Even Merdon hightailed it out of here when he heard how many women would be present.”

“Women?” Vorx asked.

Feeling a whole heap of uncertainty, I glanced back at him.

“Maybe you want to stay and meet a few?” I asked as Emily opened the door.

The heat from inside gusted out, along with the murmur of conversation coming from over a dozen people crowded into her living room.

“I already met the woman I want,” Vorx said, coming toward me. “She is beautiful and courageous and has many things she doesn’t wish to talk about.”

Oh, that smirk again. It did wicked things to my insides and planted thoughts in my head that didn’t belong there.