Page 71 of Demon Kept

“Pfft. Not true. The trinity of vices—drugs, sex, and alcohol—are everywhere. You just weren’t paying attention.”

“Isn’t it drugs, sex, and gambling?” Brenna asked. “You know, since alcohol falls under the addictive substance category.”

Angel just shrugged a shoulder. “Sure, we’ll go with that. My point is there’s not much else to do. Since Hannah and I aren’t drinking, we’re down to two vices to entertain ourselves.”

“There she is,” Hannah said, pointing down the street. “He’s carrying her. Full, fey protection mode then.” She laughed.

Eden scowled at her the whole way and maintained that scowl even after Ghua deposited her next to our small circle, kissed her on the cheek, and told her he loved her.

“I love you too, but I’m still twelve.”

He sighed, glanced at Hannah, then joined the growing number of fey watching us from the sidelines.

“Can someone explain this ‘twelve’ thing to me before we get started?” I asked.

“Single females over the age of eighteen are fair game,” Brenna said. “Under eighteen are considered children, and fey don’t mess with kids. At all.”

Hannah crossed her arms and arched a brow at Eden. “Now, spill. I want the details before you channel your rage and hand me my ass today.”

“I explained the use of every dildo in the store. There were so many of them that my throat got sore, and I had to stop talking when we got to the other stuff. Ghua packed everything up and brought it back. Fortunately, my voice had enough of a recovery so I could talk to Mya.” Eden looked at Angel. “Since you’re so open about stuff, Mya designated you as the official gatekeeper. She’s going to stop by later to go over the rules, but basically, what you have at your house is not meant for the fey. However, if any of the ladies are interested in anything, she won’t stand in the way.”

“I feel like I’m some kind of sex toy dealer now,” Angel said, rubbing her hands gleefully.

“Because you are,” Brenna said flatly. “Expect a visit from my mom soon. Have fun with that. And make sure she’s shopping for herself.”

Hannah grinned. “Shopping is going to be fun.”

“Can we get on with the training already?” Eden begged.

“Sure,” Hannah said brightly. “Who do you want to face first, new girl? Me or the twelve-year-old with the chip on her shoulder?”

Three hours later, I lay on my back, staring at the bright blue sky clouded by my rapid exhales. Hannah’s halo of blonde curls and smiling face obliterated my view between one dazed blink and the next.

“Don’t worry, Shelby. It takes time.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of. Everything hurts.”

She laughingly took my hand and tugged me to my feet.

“It won’t always make you this sore. Stretch when you get home and take a nice hot bath. You’ll feel better tomorrow.”

I limped my way over to Turik and leaned into his embrace. Thankfully, he got the message, and I didn’t have to walk home. Vorx showered with me again and massaged every inch of tired, sore muscle I possessed. Then, they both pampered me further, as promised, and made me brownies while I sat at the island with my head in my hands.

“How can I be so tired?” I complained. “It’s barely noon.”

“Eat your sandwich,” Vorx said. “It will help. Food is fuel.”

“I’d rather take a nap.”

Thoughts of a daytime snuggle-athon were interrupted by a knock on the door.

“I hope it’s not Drav again,” I said, suddenly more awake.

Vorx went to answer it while Turik stayed with me, pressing a quick kiss to my temple.

“Hi, is Shelby here?” Emily asked.

Her gaze found mine when Vorx stepped aside.