“Until Luca shows up, I’m at your mercy.”

I wrapped an arm around his waist and squeezed. “Thank you, Frankie. I mean it.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

The lobby was a flurry of officers and employees. I cringed at the sound of shoes scuffing the floors. Thank God we hadn’t buffed them yet.

“Sasha!” Margot waved at me from reception.

“Does that woman ever relax?” Frankie whispered.

I waved back. “As long as she’s not crying, I’m good.”

When I made it to Margot and the two officers, I was relieved to see she had pulled herself together. Hopefully, she wasn’t too scarred from the whole incident.

“Officers, this is Sasha Mitchell. She was with me in the alley when we heard the gunshots. She saved my life.” Margot gripped my hand, squeezing so tightly that the tips of my fingers turned red.

“I don’t think we were in the line of fire.” I patted her hand and gently slid mine away.

“Do you have a minute to give your statement?”

I checked with Frankie, and he dipped his chin. “Sure, but do you mind sitting? I’m still a little shaky, and my shoe choice isn’t exactly helping.”

“Of course.” The officer gestured toward the sitting area. Margot broke off to speak with an employee while Frankie and I sat with the two cops. “Why don’t you start from when you heard the first shots?”

I went through the whole incident in excruciating detail, considering I hadn’t seen anything, and the shooting was a block away. As we stood to say our goodbyes, trading business cards in case they needed more info, Luca pushed open the door and walked in like he owned the place.

When his eyes met mine, his face softened in relief. “Sasha.” His voice boomed through the room, and without missing a beat, I rushed to him, throwing myself into his chest.

“Thank you for coming.”

“Always. I will always come for you.” He kissed the top of my head and loosened one of his arms. “Officers.” He shook their hands and then wrapped me back up. It probably looked ridiculous, but I was beyond caring.

“Mr. Moretti, we were just taking your fiancée’s statement, and now we’ll be out of your hair.”

“Thank you.” Luca’s deep voice vibrated under my ear as I stayed plastered to him. “If you need anything, call my cousin.”

“Of course. I hope the rest of your stay in Chicago is less eventful.”

Luca rubbed my back.

“Are they gone?” I spoke into his jacket.

“They are.” He lifted my chin and stared into my eyes. “Are you okay?”

“I am now.”

He gave me a tight-lipped smile and pecked my lips before turning his attention to Frankie. “You ready to go? We need to head back to Taz’s house.”

“Car’s around back.”

“Let’s go.”

Luca walked us toward the kitchen, but I dug in my heels. “I need to finish up here.”

“No. You need to come with me.”

“But—” I glanced to where Margot and a good chunk of the staff stood watching us.