Luca bent down and quietly said, “It’s safer for you and them if you come with us. I’m not sure what’s going on, and I don’t want this to blow back on your business.”

Too late.

“Well, let me at least let Margot know I’m leaving.”

Luca checked at his watch and clicked his tongue. “Make it quick.”

“Yes, Mr. Moretti.” I rolled my eyes and headed toward the group. “Hey guys, I need to leave early, but I’m just a phone call away.” I went around the desk and grabbed my computer bag. “Seriously, anything you need, just call.”

“You got it, Sasha.” Margot hugged me tightly. “Thank you for everything.”

“Of course.” I patted her back and broke away. “I’ll see you all first thing in the morning.”

“See you then!” She shooed the staff away, dismissing everyone from the lobby.

The three of us walked to the car in silence. Frankie took the driver’s seat while Luca and I slid into the back.

A few blocks from the hotel, I asked, “What’s going on?”

Luca frowned at his phone. “Someone tried to kill Cy Chronis.”

“And you don’t know who?”

Luca’s jaw ticked, his hand fisting his phone as he looked at me, fire in his eyes. “So far, no. But I have my suspicions.”

His phone rang, and he answered it in fast, angry Italian. As much as his stern tone and aggressive body language should scare me, it was unbelievably sexy.

Luca ranted the entire way to his cousin’s house. When we got there, the door swung open, and Taz Adamo greeted us with a grim smile. “Come in.” He turned and went inside, Frankie following in his wake.

I started toward the study, but Luca gripped my elbow. “Wait. Why don’t you head up to our room? I’ll be up shortly.”

“Oh. Okay.”

He kissed my cheek and left me at the foot of the stairs.

“It’s for the best,” I mumbled to myself as I made my way up the ornate staircase. Our room was at the back of the house with a beautiful view of their garden. I sat at the window and stared at the flowers, clearing my head from the hectic afternoon.

The tranquility was short-lived when Luca stormed into the bedroom, seething and muttering under his breath, pulling me from my daze.

“You okay?” I stood by as he paced the room, yanking his tie off.

“Oh, I’m fine. It’s Marco you should be worried about.” He tossed his tie on the bed. “The son of a bitch is fucking dead once I get my hands on him.”

I jumped up, grabbing his arm to stop his frenzied moves. “Woah. What are you talking about?”

“Marco! I’m talking about how we just got a call from the cops, and several witnesses are describing a man who looks a lot like Marco at the scene of the shooting.”

I shook my head, patting his chest to get his attention. “Don’t take this wrong way, but what did they tell the cops, tall, dark, and asshole? At a glance, all you guys kind of look alike.”

Luca’s frown morphed into a blank stare of disbelief. “You think we all look alike?”

“I mean, there certainly is a family resemblance. Freakishly tall, black hair, probably wearing a black suit? You’re telling me you don’t see it?”

His eyes narrowed, but the corner of his lips twitched.

“What does Marco say?”

All the calming I’d done was out the window, and Luca jerked away and started roughly unbuttoning his shirt. “That’s the kicker. He’s not answering his phone, and no one can find him in St. Louis. Where the fuck is he?”