“You got it.”

I said goodbye to Sarah, Jazz, and Ashley, with promises of updates, and then Frankie and I took off for the hospital.

“She’s going to be okay,” he said, breaking the tense silence.

I wasn’t sure if the pit in my stomach was because of Adriana or the mess the rest of my life was becoming.


When I got to the hospital, Rosa was pacing and barking out orders in the waiting room. “She’s a Moretti. Make it happen.”

A nurse scampered away, shooting worried looks over her shoulder.


She breathed out my name and wrapped me in a tight hug. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“How is she?”

Rosa sighed and walked me over to the polyester chairs. “Awake but confused.”

“That’s good. Any idea what happened?” I set my purse in the chair next to me, ready for a long wait.

“As of now, just dehydration.”


An hour went by with no updates.

“I’m going to get some coffee. You want some?” Rosa smoothed out her shirt and grabbed her wallet.

“Yes. Please.”

I checked my phone for the millionth time. Luca hadn’t called me back, and Frankie was somewhere in the hospital doing whatever the hell he does when he pulls a disappearing act.

“Family of Adriana Moretti?”

“That’s me!” I jumped up to join her.

She eyed my hair and height and asked, “And your relation?”

“She’s my sister-in-law.”

The doctor looked toward the hallway. “Let’s wait for Mrs. Moretti.”

I pursed my lips and stared in the direction of the coffee machine. Awkwardly, we stood together, side by side, waiting for Rosa. When she finally rounded the corner with a coffee in each hand, we started walking toward her.

“Mrs. Moretti.”

Rosa’s face lit up, and she rushed to us. “How is she? Is she okay?”

“Adriana is fine. We gave her fluids and are waiting for a few results, but so far, so good. You can see her now.”

I took my coffee and snatched my purse to follow the disappearing Rosa.

Adriana gave us an embarrassed smile, and the doctor left us alone in the small fluorescent-lit room.

“Hey sweetie, how are you?” I rubbed her blanket-covered shin.