“I’ve been better. I wish I hadn’t passed out in a public bathroom.” She shivered. “The thought of what I laid in is troubling, but what can you do?”

“The doctor says everything’s looking fine.” Rosa fussed over Adriana, fluffing her pillow and straightening her blankets.

Adriana looked past her, the peaceful mask falling for a moment, a flash of something in her eyes I couldn’t place.

“I just overdid it. Too much champagne, not enough water.” Adriana chuckled and made a big show of gulping down water.

Bullshit. She’d nursed the same glass of champagne at the dress shop and only had half a cocktail at the restaurant.

Rosa and Adriana chatted back and forth while I became more and more concerned. When my phone vibrated, I was thankful for a break from Adriana’s fake chipper voice and Rosa willfully ignoring it.


“Is she okay?” Luca rushed out.

“Yes. As far as we know.”

He blew out a breath. “Thank God. The last thing we need is a health scare.”


“Keep me posted and let Adriana know I have Dante, and he’s all set up at the house.”

“Will do. I love you.”

“Love you too.”

“Luca?” Adriana yawned as I put my phone down.

“Yep. He wanted you to know we’ve got Dante for as long as you need.”

A tired smile graced her lips. “Thank you. I’m glad he has you guys.” Her eyes welled up, and she took a shuddering breath.

I sat in the chair next to the bed and patted her thigh. “Of course he’s got us. That’s my guy.”

“It’s looking like I’ll at least be here overnight. Rosa, do you think you could go get me some pajamas?”

Rosa’s face relaxed now that she had something to do. “Of course! And I’ll check in on the boys.”

“I’m sure they’re fine.”

“I know. I know.” Rosa waved Adriana off as she gathered her things. “I just want to make sure Dante knows his mama is alright.” She did a quick eye sweep of the room, no doubt seeing if she could bring anything else from home. “Alright, I’m out of here. I’ll be back in a little bit.”

We watched her glide out of the room, leaving behind a trace of Chanel. I turned back to Adriana, and her smile melted away.

“So, what’s going on?”

She fidgeted with the stiff blanket. “I haven’t been taking care of myself like I should.” She shut her eyes for a long moment before hitting me with her sad gaze. “Who doesn’t realize they’re dehydrated? I’m so embarrassed.”

I picked her hand up and kissed it. “You’ve had a lot going on—your house burning down, staying with Rosa, and now you’re setting up a new home. That’s a lot.”

Adriana nodded and blew out a breath.

“Let’s get you back to normal, and then we’ll sort the rest out.”

“Okay.” Adriana shifted around in the uncomfortable bed, finally rolling her eyes with a huff. “This bed is the worst. It reminds me of when I had Dante. If he wasn’t crying, the lumpy bed kept me from sleeping.”

I laughed and hopped up to look in the closet for another pillow. “Do you need anything? More water, tv on, trashy celebrity magazines?”