“Beth?” I set my drink down but made no move to stand. Uncomfortable from her intense stare, my eyes drifted to the people with her. Senator Cooper stood at Beth’s elbow with a fake ass smile stretching her thin lips. A plain woman in a basic suit had her hand on Beth’s lower back.

The corners of my mouth twitched, but I fought back the urge to smirk at her.

“You’re getting married?” She took a step closer to our table.

“I am.” I flashed my ring, and Ashley hid a grin behind her glass.

“To Luca Moretti?” Beth swallowed, her hands twisting in front of her.

“Yep.” I took another drink.

“Are you serious?”

I was about to deliver another monosyllabic answer when Mom popped up from her seat. “Oh Beth, so lovely to see you. Congratulations on the election!”

Beth shook her head, clearing her throat as she reached out for Mom’s hand. “Thank you, Maggie. It was a close one.”

“I’d say. Those last-minute campaign contributions must have helped.”

“They were a blessing.”

Mom nodded and turned to Senator Cooper. To say the two women hated each other was an understatement. “You must be very proud that your daughter is finally following in your footsteps.”

The Senator smiled, looking at her daughter with what the untrained eye would see as love and admiration, but anyone schooled in the Coopers knew was merely mild interest. “I couldn’t be prouder. This is just the beginning.”

Beth’s lips pursed, but she recovered quickly with a practiced smile. “I was just elected mayor. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

Beth won the election? How’d I miss that?

The engagement.

The fire.

The shooting.

The other fire.

The blood.

Yeah. I’d been busy.

“It’s never too early to plan your future, darling.” She patted Beth’s arm and checked her watch. “We should sit down and order. You have that meeting with the incumbent at three.”

Beth bit her lip, indecision in her eyes as she studied me and then the ring shining on my finger. Straightening her back, she took another step away from her mom and the silent woman and said, “We should catch up sometime.”

Not in a million fucking years. “Sure. Give me a call.” That I will never answer.

She frowned like she heard my thoughts, and the three women walked to the front of the restaurant.

“Now, why would you tell her to call you?” my mom scolded as she sat next to Rosa. “You know that girl is obsessed with you.” Her eyes darted toward their table.

“I’ve been dodging her calls for over a year. I can keep on doing it. At least now I know why she kept calling me.”

“Who is that?” Rosa peeked around my mom.

“Sasha’s ex.” Sarah nibbled a piece of bread, eyeing the charcuterie board.
