Mom sat up tall like she was preparing to defend me, but Rosa only nodded and took a piece of cheese from the board.

After the Beth run-in, the conversation was more subdued than before. Even when we got our food, no one was particularly chatty.

“Well, this is just awkward,” Adriana mumbled around her straw.

“Huh?” Jazz asked as she licked her fork clean.

“Sasha’s ex is just staring at us. I don’t know if she’s blinked once in the last half hour.”

As if on cue, we all turned toward Beth’s table.

“Don’t everyone look!” Adriana hissed, and we all looked at her. She rolled her eyes and stood. “I have to use the restroom.”

“You want dessert?” I asked as the waiter cleared the plates.

“No, thank you. I’m stuffed.” She patted her stomach.

“It’s creepy that the mayor-elect is just staring at you,” Jazz said as she side-eyed Beth.

“Would it be less creepy if she wasn’t the next mayor?”

“No. I guess not.”

Our desserts came, and we demolished them, but Adriana still hadn’t returned from the bathroom.

“I’m going to go check on Adriana.” I tossed my napkin on the table and tried to ignore the eyes burning holes in the side of my face.

I knocked softly. “Adriana?”

There was no answer.

“Adriana?” I knocked a little louder.

Still no answer. I tried the handle, but it was locked. “Fuck.”

Rushing back to the table, I grabbed a waiter. “Our friend went to the bathroom, and she’s not answering. We need a key.”

“What?” Rosa got up, alarmed, and followed me to the back hallway.

The waiter ran back to the office, and I met him at the door. When the door swung open, Rosa gasped, and I rushed in. “Adriana!”

My hands ghosted over her, afraid to move her. “Call 9-1-1!”

The waiter nodded and rushed past Rosa.

“Her pulse is weak.” I blinked back tears as I held my fingers to her neck. It wasn’t like I had any medical training, so who knew if I was checking it right, but I had to do something.

Everyone crowded around the door as we waited for the paramedics. Adriana’s breathing was shallow, but her chest moved steadily.

“Ma’am, can you give us the room?”

A stocky man helped me up, and I made room for the paramedics. They worked quickly, and within minutes Adriana was on a stretcher and being wheeled out to an ambulance. The paramedic helped Rosa into the back, and they took off down the street, sirens blaring.

Frankie touched my shoulder, and I jumped. “I’ll drive you to the hospital.”

I nodded and went over to my mom. “I’m not going to make it to dinner tonight.”

“Of course, honey. Please let me know when you hear anything.”