Of course, that’s easier said than done.


Five huge Italian men and a redhead walk into a tux shop, and it went exactly how I’d imagined.

“Is there anything blacker?” I asked the sales associate.

“I have a few more swatches in the back.” The young man rushed to the back room, leaving me with Luca and his groomsmen.

“You know, we could’ve picked out our tuxes.” Marco groused as he flipped through silk ties.

“You could’ve, but then I wouldn’t get to harass you and catch the fashion show.”

“Here, I think this might be what you’re looking for.” The twenty-something waved the scrap of fabric in the air like a prize.

I took it from him, rubbing it between my thumb and fingers. “Yes! Talon, this is it!” Turning to the towering men, I smiled. “Now that we have this, it’s time to choose the cut.”

Michael stepped out of a dressing room, grinning. “This is almost identical to the one I wore to my wedding. You know, the reason you guys met.” He waggled his eyebrows.

Luca looked over at me, the heat in his eyes putting me on edge. That night was intense—the beginning of a life I never knew I wanted. The longer he stared at me, the higher the chance that his closest friends and family were about to get a live sex show.

Digging deep, I found the strength to pull my eyes from Luca. “You do look handsome, but I’d like to see something a little more classic?” Talon grinned, already heading toward a rack of pre-selected options.

“I have just the thing. Very Bond, but like, less violent.” Talon’s back was to the group of smirking men.

I rolled my eyes while Mickey nudged Aldo—the only Moretti wedding party member not smiling.

Aldo never smiled.

It was one of the things I loved about him. He was engaged to Nicki, and she had to deal with a man that never smiled or laughed.

The blandest couple in town. Well, except for the cheating.

“Ma’am?” Talon jarred me out of my less than charitable musings by presenting a beautiful tux.

“Perfect.” I pointed at Luca, who was still stuck in some salacious memory. “You. Get in that dressing room.”

He strolled toward us, his eyes devouring me. “You going to help me try it on?”

My cheeks heated, and my mouth went dry.

Talon cleared his throat, and Luca’s gaze shifted to him. “I—uh—I need to help you so we can check the fit. I need to take measurements, too.”

Luca didn’t respond, but he did walk toward the dressing room, a dazed Talon in his wake.

While the other guys quietly chatted, Marco—who’d been a grump all day—excused himself and stepped outside. I wanted to talk to him and see if there was any way to ease the tension building between him and Luca. Without a plan, I followed Marco out the door.

“Send me the address. Uh-huh. He doesn’t need to know. I’ll handle it.” Marco looked up as I passed him, cocking an eyebrow in question.

Panicked, I held up my keys and jingled them with a smile. He gave me the tightest lip, most stick up the ass smile I’d ever had the displeasure of receiving, and I booked it to my car.

Marco’s voice carried to where I sat in the driver’s seat, bent over as if I was searching for something on the passenger’s side. “I need you to go with Luca tonight.” He pushed, and when he spoke again, it sounded like he had turned away from me. “I’ll be back in the morning.”

I searched the floorboard for a scrap of anything. “Now, what in the hell can I bring back inside?” My hand ran across a hair tie, and my heart finally slowed down.

Sitting up, I adjusted my top and got out of the car. Marco was off the phone, so his sole focus was on me as I locked the car.

“Hair tie.” I twirled it between my fingers. “It’s hot in there.”