Michael locked up, positively buzzing. “I’m glad we could wrap up our other open projects. I was worried we wouldn’t start until this summer.”

“Not going to lie. I was kind of hoping we’d start once I was back from my honeymoon, but someone’s an overachiever.” I playfully nudged Michael.

He got a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Well, I have an incentive to get the bulk of this job done before November.”

“She’s not!” I covered my mouth with both hands.

Ashley frowned at the two of us. “What are you talking about?”

“Nothing,” we said at the same time, not at all playing it cool.

“Secrets, secrets are no fun,” Ashley chided.

“Only if you’re not in on them.” I pushed her toward the car and turned back to Michael. “I assume she’s not ready for people to know.”

“Not yet. Sarah wants to wait until twelve weeks, but you’re family, so I figured . . .” He gave me a sheepish look. “Don’t tell her I told you. I don’t want to steal her thunder.”

“No problem. I’ll act completely surprised when she tells me.”

He breathed out a sigh of relief. “Thank you. I’m having a hard time not telling everyone.”

“No kidding?” I gave him a quick hug. “Well, congrats. I’m thrilled for you guys.”

“Thank you.” Michael stepped back, and Luca joined us. “I better go. I need to drop by the office before I head home. Do you need anything else from me?”

“Not that I can think of.” Luca wrapped his arms around me from behind. “Will you be able to make the tux fitting?”

“Yep. Looking forward to it.” Michael did a little finger gun wave and went to his car.

“I cannot believe he’s related to you.”

Luca laughed and spun me around. “The Colombo side of the family is a little weird. You want a ride home?”

“Sure. Let me tell Ashley, and we can go.”

Luca kissed my forehead and released me.

“Ashley, I think I’m going to head home with Luca. Pete will take you back to the office?” I looked at him, and he nodded.

“Works for me. See you tomorrow!” She jumped in the backseat, said something to Pete, and they drove away.

I took my time walking over to the car. The shadow of the Arch shaded the parking lot, and a cool breeze came off the river. Within the span of a few years, my career had catapulted to a level I hadn’t ever considered. We were rising in prominence not only in St. Louis but in the region. We were getting features in industry magazines and had companies singing our praises. But nothing would compare to the attention we’d get once the casino opened.

My chest swelled with pride, but fear wormed its way in. Our plans were terrific, but this project was larger than anything we’d ever attempted. Add to that the fear that I wouldn’t be where I was without Luca and the opportunities he offered, and my nerves were frayed.

Self-doubt wasn’t something I was used to, but the looming building behind me opened up the part of me I thought I’d put to rest.

When I reached Luca, he frowned. “Are you okay?” He brushed a lock of hair from my face.

“Yeah.” I tried to smile, but instead, my eyes started to burn. “Just reality setting in.”

He dipped his face down, so we were at eye level. “It’s going to be great. You’re going to be great.”

I bit my lip and sucked up a sniffle. “You’re right. I’m just overwhelmed.”

“Why don’t you get in the car so we can get home, and you can take a bath while I make us dinner?”

The vise around my heart loosened at his sweetness, but I couldn’t fully shake the bad vibes. The opportunities Luca provided me with were the source of a lot of my doubts. This was something I needed to work out for myself. I needed to own the fact that, yes, Luca was the reason I got the contracts, but I took them and ran.