Page 11 of Shattered Obsession

Chapter Six

The day ended without much suspense, or well, without more suspense. Camila went back to cleaning up around the place, not going too far so she could keep a casual eye on Adrien.

He’s…really not going to do anything to me?

Camila knew that the only reason she had gotten off so easily was because Adrien wasn’t a hundred percent. He was clearly feeling sick, even with the painkillers, and he didn’t look like he planned on drinking alcohol anymore. She hadn’t seen him drinking any the past couple days, either, and she wondered if it was because the alcohol was all gone.

She didn’t know, because she wasn’t allowed down in the basement, not that she wanted to go down there, not with Tansy’s body being down there. Even with his declining health, she didn’t dare act too rashly, going around the place to investigate without his knowledge. If he ever found out, she would be in trouble. The way he grabbed her hand when she thought he was passed out was enough to let her know that his mind was still sharp.

I need to wait some more. He won’t be getting better without going to a hospital and there’s no way he’s going to do that.

She was ready to be patient. As long as it got her out of this. She should have been from the start. She was all ready to start cursing for herself for her blunder earlier.

Because she got impatient, Adrien might not let down his guard when she needed him to. He’ll try to be even more alert now.

Camila sighed. Were the police getting any closer, at least…?

In the end, when he woke up hours later, he didn’t ask her to cook dinner, he just sent her to her room. She was pretty sure he didn’t eat anything either, though, so she couldn’t even bring herself to complain in case it annoyed him. She heard the door click shut, and moved to the bed, laying down with a sigh.

She only had a thin sheet and blanket that she kept spread on the bed and wrapped around herself, because there weren’t any other covers available, and she didn’t dare ask Adrien, since she still didn’t understand his triggers. She curled in on herself, then buried her face in her hands.

Can I… really survive like this?

She had been resolved to wait, but this was taking a lot longer than she thought it would. At the very least, she’d hoped that the police would have found them already, but nothing had happened yet. Adrien was sick, but it was moving too slowly.

Camila thought she could survive this and come out of it okay, but while lying on the bed, unable to fall asleep immediately, she realized her mind had frayed a lot more than she thought. She could wait, but she didn’t think she was going to be fine anymore once all this was over.

I miss Samuel… and Mom...

Keeping her eyes closed, she waited for sleep to claim her.

At least one good thing happened.

That night, Camila dreamed of Samuel.

It wasn’t the first time she had dreamed of him, but before, it had been while frightened and hoping he would be there to save her. She was definitely afraid that night, because she knew if Adrien had been in the best of shape, he would not have let her go. He would have hurt her. When she lay down in bed in her room, she was shivering.

The dream was nice, though. She blinked her eyes open and found herself in Samuel’s arms again.

“Hey there, sweetheart,” he murmured, smiling down at her, his expression soft.

Camila was surprised, but she knew it had to be a dream and she knew it was him and not Adrien because there was just something about Samuel that Adrien would never have that spoke directly to her heart. A tenderness, but strength of character too. Camila didn’t care that it was only a dream, it was good to see him, to hear him. Even if it would only last for a short while, she would take it.

“Samuel,” she breathed out, her hand trembling as she reached up to cup his cheek. “You’re here…”

He chuckled, his eyes sparking down at her with humor. “Where else would I be, sweetheart?”

Samuel rolled them over, and she realized they were lying on his bed. He pressed her back into it, and she let out a sigh as her eyes slipped closed, just enjoying the moment. The bed was soft and warm, and Samuel’s body felt hot against hers. She felt soft lips pressed against her neck, and she shivered.

“I feel like I should apologize about what happened,” he murmured. “You are scared, aren’t you, baby?” he whispered as she stroked her cheek. “I’m so sorry.”

His arms tightened around her, and she gasped, feeling the lines of his body pressed against hers. It felt so real she felt her eyes sting with tears. She knew it couldn’t be real, but she wished.

“You don’t need to be sorry,” she whispered. “None of it is your fault.”

She wrapped her arms around him, her eyes snapping open when she realized she was touching his skin. She looked down at the two of them, and realized they were both naked and she smiled.

Samuel’s body moved against hers, his knee parting hers. She spread her legs and he fit his hips in the space between. She felt him rubbing intimately against her, and she rocked her body against his as her breathing and heartbeat started picking up. Then Samuel slid inside, and her head tilted back, her breath hitching in her throat.