Page 10 of Shattered Obsession

She jumped a little when he called her name. They were in the living room, with Adrien sitting and not doing anything, while she moved around the place wiping away dust to keep busy. Just because things were getting calmer didn’t mean she was no longer cautious.

“Yes?” she said, hesitantly.

“I need you to look at my wound again. Can you do that?”

His voice sounded subdued. It should be safe to be close to him now, right? She hadn't had to get so close in a while now.

“I can,” she said quietly. “Will you get the supplies?”

“Just get them,” he said gruffly. “I left them in the kitchen pantry last time so you can find them yourself. Hurry it up. And give me some water for the painkillers, too.”

She didn’t dare delay. He was physically weaker, but she was pretty sure he was still stronger than her. Not to mention, he walked around with the remote for the collar more of the time now, so he didn’t need to get ahold of her to hurt her.

Camila went into the kitchen and looked around for the bag with the supplies, then got a glass of water. She hurried back into the living room before Adrien electrocuted her out of his own impatience. She set everything on the table, then gave Adrien his water and medicine, and went through the bag to pull out the supplies.

After doing this several times since the first time, she was getting more comfortable with doing it. She wasn’t sure if she did it well, but as long as Adrien was happy with it, she didn’t care. He had some trouble pulling off his shirt, and she didn’t miss the wince when he had to move his injured shoulder. The painkillers must not have kicked in yet.

“Let me know how it looks,” he said in a low mutter.

“Of course,” she murmured back.

“Is your flu gone?”

She paused with her hands part way to his shoulder. After a quick second to think, she started unwrapping.

“I’ve been feeling better,” she admitted. “I haven’t felt the urge to vomit in a while, so I think I’m getting there.”

“That’s good,” he said.

He didn’t speak anymore, and she watched him surreptitiously out the corner of her eye. She noticed the sheen of sweat on his face, the furrows in his brow. How he tensed his jaw as she undid the bandages around his wound. When she listened properly, she was pretty sure his breathing was a wheezing in and out of him a bit, sounding heavier than her own. She kept watching, until she noticed his face relax into relief, and his eyes closed.

“The wound looks fine,” she said, lying through her teeth. “Not closing yet, but not gaping or anything. No blood.”

She quickly wiped away the spill coming out of the wound. Adrien didn’t even make an indication that he’d heard her. Quickly, she finished wrapping him up, then put the supplies away. He probably wouldn’t need anything else from her, so she went back to cleaning around the place.

Time passed, and Adrien didn’t look like he would move. His body had relaxed on the couch, his breathing had slowed.

Is he… actually asleep?

Right in front of her?

Should I try?

Camila was resolved to wait. She could wait. It was the safest thing she could do to get herself out of this, but with such a chance in front of her, could she really just let it go? He had been slowly declining over the past few days, maybe it was time?

Waiting was safe. Waiting was fine… However, if she could get out of this faster, shouldn’t she try?

She didn’t let herself be hasty. She moved around, barely cleaning as she kept throwing glances at him, but he never showed any reaction.

Camila got closer.

Whether or not he had the remote on him, she had no idea. But she could deal with that when it became a problem. In his pocket, she could see the outline of a smartphone. If she could just get her hands on it to call someone…

An hour passed. Then another. Adrien didn’t move.

Camila took the chance.

She got even closer, sneaking until she was right in front of him, practically crouched down. Sneaking glances at his face, she reached for his pocket.

So close. So very close.

She was cautious with every inch she got closer to getting to his phone, but not cautious enough. His hand snapped on her, surprising her. She yelped and tried to jump back, but it was already too late. He’d caught her wrist, his grip hard. But then it loosened, and she quickly backed away, looking up to his face.

“Nice try,” he huffed, half-lidded eyes slipping back closed.

Camila moved away. Adrien didn’t move for a long while, but she was too scared to try again.