Page 39 of Shattered Obsession

Chapter Seventeen


Camila didn’t have time to relax after the collar was off though, because there was a knock on the door. It was Doctor Shelton.

She stepped into the room with a smile. “Would you all mind stepping out for a moment while I discuss something with my patient?”

Camila shot her a worried look and then turned to Samuel looking at him with fear. What was it she had to tell her? Was it bad news? Did Adrien infect her with something? Had he done something to her while she was passed out?

Samuel moved to her, taking her hand and squeezing it gently. “It will be okay, no matter what she has to tell you, sweetheart, we’ll deal with it together. We’ll be right in the hall. You yell for me if you need to and I’ll be here in seconds, okay?”

Camila nodded, but she still felt panicked.

“It will be okay, love.” Samuel leaned down and kissed her forehead.

“We’ll be right outside,” her mom commented, taking Bri’s hand.

Bri waved over her shoulder at her and Camila gave her a small smile and waved back.

Once they were out of the room, Doctor Shelton pulled the chair over and sat. "Camila,” she began, “I need to ask you an uncomfortable question.”

Camila took a breath and then nodded. “Okay,” she said softly.

“Can you tell me if you were raped or sexually active during the time you were captive?” she asked quietly.

Camila stared at her, all kinds of fears raced through her mind. She frantically thought over her time in the farmhouse.

What if Adrien actually… but no, she would know, wouldn’t she? There would be signs, fluid, bruising like the last time…

The first and only time she’d slept with Adrien, she remembered, was a long time ago. But there were times, at the farmhouse… when she’d been passed out…

Don’t think about it! her heart raged at her, but she had to, she had to think, really think about if Adrien could have done anything.

But there was no way he could have done anything. He was so sick, and couldn’t even get it up when he tried, and while he’d ogled her and maybe touched her, she didn’t think he’d raped her. She couldn’t recall ever feeling as if he’d violated her.

Feeling pretty confident in her answer, she said, “No, I am almost positive that he didn’t touch me, didn’t rape me. And I certainly didn’t have sex with him voluntarily.” Camila blinked at her. “Why?”

Doctor Shelton smiled. “Then, what came back might be good news. It appears you’re pregnant.”

Camila’s heart raced. “Pregnant?” she questioned, her eyes going wide. “How… I mean…”

“You are several weeks along already, though I can't pinpoint exactly how far along without an ultrasound, which you’ll want to set up with your OBGYN. You mentioned feeling nausea several times, while you were held captive. I can say with absolute certainty, that you were experiencing morning sickness from the pregnancy, not because of food poisoning or illness. Other than that and being under nourished because of your limited diet over the last week, you have no serious damage. That being said, I’d like to check the baby’s heartbeat, just in case.”

Camila nodded and lifted her shirt off her stomach.

Doctor Shelton put her stethoscope on and placed the end on her belly. After a moment, she smiled. “Strong, like its mother. Would you like to hear?”

Camila nodded again, nervous, but excited and frightened too. “Yes, please.”

Doctor Shelton handed her the ear portion of the stethoscope after wiping them off.

Camila put them in her ears, and listened. Soon she heard a strong womp, womp murmur and she smiled. She handed the scope back to her. “Thank you.”

Doctor Shelton replaced the instrument around her neck and nodded. “Now, I’d like for you to stay overnight, and you can be released to your family tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay,” Camila agreed.

“I’ll let your family back in and let you share the news in your own time.”