Page 40 of Shattered Obsession

“Thank you.”

The room was left in silence once the doctor was gone, Camila was almost in a state of shock, but she smiled when her mom, Samuel and Bri returned.

“Everything good?” Samuel asked, coming to her and taking her hands in his.

Camila nodded. She had to tell him. She couldn’t be the only one in shock over this. Taking a deep breath she looked in his eyes and said, “I’m pregnant.”

Samuel looked alarmed for a moment.

Camila quickly added, “It’s yours,” and squeezed his hands in hers.

“We’re pregnant?” he said, shock and amazement filling his eyes as he stared at her.

Camila nodded.

“Are you… sure?” he said calmly.

“Yes. Adrien….” Camila paused and took another steadying breath, “he never…”

Samuel expelled the breath she knew he’d been holding and grinned at her.

All of them sat quietly for a moment trying to digest the news.

Camila’s eyes went to Bri and her mom, they both looked stunned by the news, however, Camila felt she was the most shocked over it.

All this time… I was pregnant.

A fear started to grow in her mind. She knew the baby was Samuel’s she had no fear over that, but her mind started going down roads she didn’t want it to.

She didn’t know how she was supposed to feel about a pregnancy in her current situation. She and Samuel had never discussed children. Heck they had only really been together for a couple months, they had never talked marriage, let alone starting a family. And after everything she’d been through, would the child even be okay? And all the shocks she’d been given, could that have affected the child?

That thought led her to think about everything that had occurred hours earlier. Had it really only been a few hours since she’d been rescued? Since she’d woken tied up on the bed and naked? She shook her head, letting go of that thought. It wasn’t something she wanted to relive. Instead, she turned her thoughts to the moment Samuel had appeared at the door. Her hero.

She recalled watching him spring into action, leveling Adrien with a single punch and then pounding his face into the hallway floor. The way Samuel had looked at her, as if he’d thought he’d never see her again. The way he’d come to her on his knees, and just held her for a moment and then lifted her in his arms and carried her away, saving her. She would never forget the feeling of pure joy she felt at seeing him in that moment. The relief she’d felt that all of it was over.

She looked over at him now with watery eyes and smiled. He brushed his hand over her cheek gently. She sighed, contentedly. With him by her side, she felt she could face anything now.

When a knock sounded at the door a while later, none of them said anything. Samuel patted her hand and stood, going to the door, opening it. He moved aside to allow a police officer inside.

“Sorry to bother you, sir, I’m Officer Grimes. I came to take Ms. Blake’s statement and pick up the evidence.”

Samuel returned to her side silently and took her hand, his expression tight. Camila was worried what he could possibly be thinking, but the officer moved into the room and stepped forward.

“Bri and I will step out, give you time to get through this,” her mom said, her voice soft as she kissed Camila’s forehead. “We’ll be back.”

Camila nodded.

“Miss,” Officer Grimes said once they left. He gave her a polite smile as he continued, “I’m sorry to bother you this late, but I need to take your statement. Do you think you are up to going over the events in detail right now, or should I come back in the morning?”

Her eyes travelled over to Samuel. They would, possibly, be releasing her in the morning, and she didn’t want this to follow her to the house, so she might as well get it over with. Waiting wasn’t going to make it any easier to speak about, anyway.

“It’s fine,” she said, throat feeling a bit tight. “I’ll talk to you now.”

At least, Samuel didn’t leave the room, but he started to pull away from her, to retreat further to give her some privacy to talk, minimal as it was, but she held fast to his hand, not wanting him to go anywhere.

“Can you tell me, in your own words, what happened from the beginning?”

Camila nodded and she began, “We were all at Samuel’s home, there was a gun fight going on, for hours it seemed. I went into the kitchen. I think I got hungry. When I returned to the parlor, I noticed Bri wasn’t in the room. She’s well, sensitive. I went upstairs to look for her because I didn’t want her to be alone. When I reached her room, Adrien was there…”