Page 12 of Shattered Obsession

Their bodies moved together, Samuel sliding in and out of her, tenderly making love to her. She wrapped her arms around him, clutching to him.

“Samuel,” she whimpered.

She realized her eyes were wet with tears. She squeezed her eyes, and warm liquid slid down the sides of her face.

This…feels so real. Please let this be real.

She didn’t know who she was pleading with, but she hoped for it. That she was away from all the problems, and it was just the two of them loving each other without the world getting in the way.

If only life could be so simple.

“Camila,” he said softly. His gentle touch on her cheek felt as if he was touching her soul.

Her eyes blinked open, and she looked up at him. He was braced above her on his forearms. He wasn’t moving anymore, and she squirmed beneath him, but didn’t try to tell him to continue. The look in his eyes was sad as he ducked down to press a kiss to her forehead.

“Camila, sweetheart,” he murmured. “I promise, I’m coming for you, okay? So don’t cry, sweetheart, please. I will find you.”

Her breath hitched in her throat, and she slid her eyes closed. She didn’t want to see that look on his face, because it broke apart the fantasy she wanted to believe in at that moment. When she opened her eyed again, it was to see that he’d vanished.

Camila woke up with a gasp.

It was dark, but she knew immediately where she was. She was back at the farmhouse, in the room Adrien had locked her in. She wasn’t somewhere soft and warm with Samuel.

She shivered as she curled further in on herself, pulling the blanket around her tighter as she squeezed her eyes shut and cried. Her body shook with the sobs she tried to hold inside. She didn’t want to make too much noise and grab Adrien’s attention, but she was sure now that she couldn’t keep going like this. A few more days, maybe even a couple weeks might be okay, but if she was here for too long, her mind might not recover.

Will I ever see them again?

Samuel, her mother, Brianna. She wanted to know how they were doing, that they were all okay and worrying about her, looking for her. She even missed the people at work and her job.

Crap,she thought, giving a wet laugh. I didn’t even finish my last job, right? They’re probably worried they can't reach me, too. Did Samuel tell them anything?

It took a long while for her to calm down, then she wiped the tears from her face. She pulled the sheet and blanket down, and looked around. It was still late at night, though, and with no light around, it was too dark for her to see anything. She couldn’t even see the moon through the tiny window in the room, and she wondered if it was a new moon. She hadn't been paying attention.

With a sigh, she slipped out of the bed. The room was empty so she didn’t have to worry about knocking into anything. If the door was open, she would have gone out to get herself a drink of water or something, but she couldn’t do that. She could get one from the bathroom if she were really thirsty. He’d taken the glass, but she could use her hands if need be.

Her hand on the wall, she stood in the middle of empty space. She looked at the window. She could just barely tell where it was. She took in deep breaths to calm down her heart and her mind.

I can't let myself fall apart like this,she said, determination swirling through her.

Camila wasn’t going to give up. Not on getting out of this situation, and not on herself. No matter what happened, she knew she had people on her side. If she lost herself, then they could help her. But she had to see them again first.

I am getting out of here. Definitely.

She had to see her family again. She had to see Samuel again. There were words that weren’t said between them, that she wished she had said now. But, there was still time for them, and she planned to tell him everything when she got out.

Camila would tell him just how much he meant to her, how much she regretted starting all of this by letting herself get taken in by Adrien.

She was going to tell him that she loved him completely, whether or not he felt the same way yet. At the very least, she knew he had to care for her.

“I will not let Adrien break me,” she murmured out loud. “I will escape from here, and I will be fine. Adrien… will be gone.”

She didn’t care how that happened. If he died, she wasn’t exactly going to waste a tear on him.

Even more filled with determination, she took a last, deep breath, then let it out. She turned back and made her way carefully to the bed, then lay down and brought the sheet and blanket back around her.

Camila was done with the waiting game. Any chance she got, no matter what Adrien would try to do to her, she was going to try to escape, the sooner the better. Even if what she did earlier would cause him to put his guard up, he couldn’t have it up all the time, not in the state he was in.

As long as she saw the chance, she was going to incapacitate him, if she couldn’t find the remote to the collar. Then, she was going to run.