Page 111 of Rogue God

“Oh, you surprised me. My poor balls nearly exploded. Can I assume you will be sticking something bigger up my ass next time?”

“Maybe. Would you like that?”

“Oh, Rogue. If you’re sticking something up my ass, then I am definitely sticking my cock into yours. Deal?”

She laughed, and she wiggled her ass. “Deal, Bear.”

Suddenly, the world grew darker and my legs gave way.

“Hey, I’ve got you. Can you make it back to bed? Come on, lean on me.”

I remembered the soft feeling of the mattress below my back and her grunting as she tried to drag my legs onto the bed before she covered me up and then it all went black.

Chapter 30


“Yes,doc.Iknowit will take him a while to recover, but he’s taking a shower and then passing out. I had to virtually carry him back to bed. Is that normal? Should I be worried?”

I listen to her conversation through my half sleep state.

“Well, no, it wasn’tjusta shower. We fooled around a bit. I made him… well, you know… Right, well, you said it was okay… Fine. Don’t blame me if he calls you for a second opinion… Yes, no more until we see you next. I wish I’d not called now… No, I’m fine. A bit sore, but…. Yes, we could probably both do with some bed rest.” She laughed. “I know I’m hilarious. Fine. Bed rest for the both of us and I will call you if he gets worse. Thank you, I think.”

She hung up the phone with a sigh.

“Everything okay, Rogue.”

“Nope. We’re on a sex ban until Dr. Vaughan can see us for our check ups.”

“What? Why?”

“You mean, apart from the fact I made you come last night and had to drag your giant ass to bed and lift you into it? My stitches are burning and I’m in pain and the doc is worried that you’re more tired than you should be.”

“Shit, Rogue. I’m sorry. Here, let me take a look.”

“I’m fine. I’ve checked. It’s a little red, but nothing too bad. I promise.”

She huffed, running her fingers over my abs. “I knew I should have just fucked you senseless this morning and then called him. I want you inside me so much that the thought of sex ban isn’t even funny.”

“I love how much you want me. It does wonders for my ego. Was I really that bad last night? I’m sure I remember getting into bed.”

“No, Bear, you remember coming and then your legs gave way. I had to help you up, let you lean on me while I half dragged you in here, and then I had to fight to get your enormous legs on the bed.”

“You should have left my sorry ass on the floor.”

“Yeap, that’s what you do with people you love. They cause you a bit of trouble, so you ditch them and leave them on the floor.”

I kissed her on the cheek. “So, what now?”

“What now is no more fooling around until we see the doctor. In ten days.”

“Well, that sucks.”

“Nope, can’t do sucking either.”

I laughed loudly, wrapping my arm around her waist.

“So, nothing. I can’t even do this?” I slipped two fingers inside her and watched her body react to my touch.