Page 112 of Rogue God

“Well, you could, but it doesn’t seem fair. I think we both need to abstain.”

I pulled out my fingers, bringing them to my mouth and sucking off her arousal. “What are we going to do for the next ten days?”

She moaned, frustratedly. “We can kiss.”

I smiled at her. “Kissing sounds good to me. And we can cook, watch movies, and sleep. We can even take the boat out on the lake.”

I watched as she shuddered, shaking her head. “I think I’ll make that a hard no, Bear. Me and water are avoiding each other at all costs.”

My hands wrapped around her from behind as she stood in front of the stove.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Teaching you how to cook pancakes so they aren’t burnt on the outside and raw in the middle.”

“Rude. Are you telling me all this time you’ve just eaten my pancakes, even though they’re rubbish?”

“Why do you think I always offer to cook?”

“Fine. I have no patience. I turn up the heat to make them cook quicker. I guess that doesn’t work?”

“No, Rogue. Patience is everything.”

I pressed my erection into her ass as I held her hand, and we flipped the pancakes together.

“Is the hard on essential to the pancake cooking method?”

“Absolutely,” I laughed, sucking hard on her neck.

“Bear, stop. This is hard enough without you making me hornier.”

“You’re telling me, but I do have some news. Let me plate these up and you get the coffees and I’ll explain.”

Minutes later we’re sitting at the dining table, the French doors open, letting the warmth leak into the room.

“God, these are so good. Thank you for showing me how not to burn them.”

“Right, I’m just going to come out with it.”

She looked up, seemingly terrified by the tone in my voice.

“What? You’re freaking me out, Bear. What is it?”

“I’ve spoken to Addi. I’ve quit as the band’s security. I won’t be watching any of you anymore.”

“What?” she cried out. “I thought we agreed you’d hate that and be miserable. I don’t want to make you miserable.”

“Shush. No more talking until I've finished. Okay?”

“Yes, sir.”

I rubbed my fingers over my face, trying to stop my reaction to those words.

“Right, I’ve quit because I’m taking over as head of security for the whole label. I will be responsible for overseeing security plans for each band. I’ll plan out tour security, who they need for specific events, I’ll vet all new staff and I’ll train anyone we hire. I won’t be actively guarding anyone, as my ass is too old and I have too much to live for. I will spend my days working remotely, from wherever I want to be, and to be clear, where I want to be is with my wife. I will work from wherever the Gods are because that’s where you’ll be. I won’t be in charge of your security anymore and that will be hard as hell as it means someone else will be responsible for your safety, Rogue, but this way I get to do a job I love with less danger and without leaving your side. Does that sound like a solution you could be happy with?”

She stared at me, speechless. “You can stay with me, not put yourself in danger, and still do the things you love? You did all that for me?”

“I did all that forus, Rogue.”