Page 103 of Rogue God

“Frankie, let’s get him warm and well, and then we can help him deal with this. Okay? One problem at a time, otherwise it will overwhelm you.” Thomas offered, taking my hand in his.

“Frankie?” Dr. Vaughan appeared next to us. “Matt’s still unconscious, but I thought it might help for him to hear your voice. Do you want to come and sit with him for a while?”


“There are a lot of machines and a lot of people working on him, so I want you to be prepared, but I think he could really use a bit of your cosmic magic right now. Are you ready? I need you to be strong for him, Frankie.”

“I can do that,” I promised him, but deep down, I didn’t know if I had it in me to be strong right now.

Dr. Vaughan held open the door for me and I stepped through, but no matter how much I tried, I couldn’t stop the cry that escaped my lips when I saw Matt.

Laid out on the bed, he was covered in layers of blankets. There was a machine next to him that warmed his blood like they’d warned me. An oxygen mask covered his mouth, but his blue lips were clear from here. His pale face looked lifeless, and the rise and fall of his chest was so minimal I could barely see it.

I forced down the fear and tears swelling inside me and took a deep breath, reminding myself that he was alive. Dr. Vaughan pulled up a chair for me to sit, but first, I pressed my lips to Matt’s forehead, trying to ignore the large dressing over his temple.One thing at a time.

“Hey, Bear. I’m here. I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere,” I whispered. I wanted to hold his hand that was buried under the sheets, but I knew he needed to stay warm, so instead, I pressed my hand to his thigh, resting my head against his bed. “Don’t leave me, Matt. Please. Come back to me.”

The next few hours were punctuated by the nurses taking Matt's temperature every fifteen minutes, telling me that he was warming up… slowly, but it was going in the right direction. I tried to be happy, but the man in the bed in front of me looked nothing like my Bear and it broke my heart.

The door to the room opened, and Thomas and Addi stepped inside. Thomas offered me a sad smile.

“I need to leave, Frankie. I have to be somewhere I can’t get out of, but will you keep me posted? Any change and I want to know.”

“Of course,” I replied with a nod. He took my phone and typed in his number before handing it back to me.

“And when he’s better, because he will get better, and he needs to deal with the Emma and Alfie news, I’ll be there with him for that, too.”

“Thank you.”

He nodded, his face fixed, and then he left.

Addi handed me a paper cup that held my pain medication. “Right, take these please before I have you sent back to your room to rest. I can’t cope with you getting hurt again.”

“What will I do, Addi? If he dies. How can I do this without him? Now I know what it’s like to be loved by him, I don’t know how I’d live without it.”


Addi pointed at Matt, and I turned, terrified that I was dreaming my name was on his lips.

“Bear?” I cried when I saw his eyes open, staring at me like he’d been searching for me for a lifetime.

“Rogue? Kiss me. Show me you’re really here,” he croaked out, his voice raspy from his ordeal.

I lifted the mask from his mouth and kissed him lightly.

“More,” he groaned against my lips.

I kissed him harder, my hand cupping his face as I slipped my tongue into his mouth. His hand gripped my shirt, catching the stitches in my stomach, causing me to cry out. He pulled back quickly, his eyes raking over my body.

“What’s wrong?” he questioned.

“I had a fight with a tree. I’m okay. I promise. Just some stitches.”

“Sorry. My fault?” I could see him fading fast, his words slurred, and his face pinched in pain. I placed the mask back over his mouth, leaning in so my lips ghosted his ear.

“Not your fault, Bear. The weather’s fault. Now you rest and get better for me. I can’t lose you. I love you too much and you promised to marry me, remember?”

“Don’t go, Frankie,” he managed to say, fighting to stay awake.