Page 104 of Rogue God

“I’m right here, big man. I’m not going anywhere.”

He patted the bed next to him and I looked at the nurse. She nodded with a smile and helped me move the wires and tubes so I could slide in next to him, pulling the blankets over us both. She dimmed the light, and I fell asleep with Matt’s arms wrapped around me, pressed against his cold body.

Chapter 28


Mybodyletouta violent shiver as the cold gripped me tightly. I tried to work out what was wrong. I was always hot. Always. But right now, I couldn’t shake the chill that seemed to have settled in my bones. And then I felt her under my hands, pressed against my side.Frankie.My palms had found their way to the dip in her lower back that I loved so much.

I tried to take in the room without moving too much because everything hurt. A nurse suddenly appeared next to me. “Hi, Matt. Welcome back. Things might feel a bit weird for a while because we’re still trying to warm you up, but your temperature is nearly back to normal, which is great. Why don’t I do your obs while you let Frankie sleep? She’s been worried sick about you, and she needs to heal too, so just watch her stomach, okay?”

I lifted the oxygen mask from my face and let it fall around my neck. “Her stomach?”

“A tree. It ripped through her skin. It was weaker after the shooting. It made a mess, but Dr. Vaughan sorted it. She should be in bed resting, but once they found you, she wasn’t staying put. She was down here in minutes.”

“Found me?”

“Yes, do you remember any of it?”


“You were both swept into the river after the bank you were standing on collapsed in the rain. You saved Frankie and got her out, but then you lost your hold. It took them two days to find you. The Cosmic Gods and some news reporter flying a helicopter found you. They saved your life.”

She slipped the mask back over my mouth. “But you have a way to go yet, so rest and let us do our job. Okay?”

When we were alone again, I lifted the mask and pressed a kiss to Frankie’s forehead. “Why were we in the rain, Rogue? Why do I feel like I risked your life and nearly lost you?”

Too hot. Too hot. Too hot.I feel like I’m on fire. Overheating. Boiling. Sweating. “Fuck, it’s so hot.”

“Hey, Bear. Here, let’s get those feet uncovered. Hot is good. We’ve been trying for hot.”

I sat up and retched, bile filling my mouth. She was right there, holding a bowl while she rubbed my back.

“It’s just the rain and the river water. You will probably feel gross for a while.”

I heaved again, throwing up, but she didn’t flinch.

“Sorry,” I mumbled.

“No sorry necessary. I’m here to take care of you, Bear.”

“I don’t feel right, Rogue. Something’s wrong.”

She pressed the buzzer for the nurse and placed a kiss on my forehead. “Kay, let’s get someone to check you out. You want some water?”

“Please. As long as it doesn’t taste of river. That stuff was nasty.” Frankie laughed and the world around me calmed.

“Hey, Matt, welcome back.” A nurse I didn’t recognize appeared next to us.

“Hi, Lucy, Matt is feeling really hot. I just wanted to check that’s normal.”

“Not really, but we have spent days trying to warm you up. Let me take your temperature.” She pressed the thermometer into my ear, waiting until it beeped. “Okay, that’s high. I’m just going to speak to the doctor, and I’ll be back.”

Frankie helped me take some sips of water, my body relaxing as the cold water hit my mouth.

“Rogue, what happened? I don’t remember.”

“I’ll tell you everything, but let’s wait to hear from the doctor first.”