Page 122 of Rogue God

I closed my eyes and dozed in the silence of the car until Matt gently shook me awake. “We’re here.”

“Where’s here?”

He opened the car and helped me out, leading me towards a house surrounded by high security gates that the car had already passed through. He typed in a code and the front door unlocked, letting him step inside first. I couldn’t contain my gasp as I followed him.

“Matt, this place…”

“Well, if we’re going to make this a holiday, we needed somewhere special.”

And special it was. The single story house was enormous. High ceilings with exposed wooden beams ran throughout the open space. But what really excited me was the floor to ceiling glass wall that stretched the length of the space, looking out over a huge decked area and infinity pool that offered the perfect view of LA, meaning we must have been high in the Hollywood hills.

“No buying this one though, Rogue. It’s on loan only.”

“How… I mean, you only found out we were coming fifteen minutes before we left?”

“I don’t know if you know my wife to be. She’s pretty famous. I may have used your name to pull a few strings. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No. Use away if we can stay in places like this. Can I see the bedroom?”

“Yes, but don’t get any kinky ideas. I have one more thing to show you and then I need to go sort out these idiots that think they are the most famous people on the planet because they have one single out.”

The three bedrooms each had the same wall of windows and were on the other side of the L-shaped house, meaning the entire building was wrapped around the pool, the deck, and the view.

Matt showed me around the huge master suite before opening the wall of glass, letting me step outside, so I could take in the city below us. He wrapped his hand around mine, ghosting my ear with his mouth.

“Come with me.” He led me to a wooden staircase at the side of the house. I looked at him suspiciously as he guided me up them. When I reached the top I thought I might cry.


At the top was the most beautiful seating area that had been built into the trees. It was strung with fairy lights that twinkled amongst the leaves.

“This is amazing, Bear. I feel like I’m being spoiled, and I don’t understand why, but I’m happy to accept it.”

“You deserve the best, Frankie. I mean that. I will spend my life trying to make you smile like you are right now.”

“Youmake me smile like this. The house is just a lovely bonus.”

Matt pulled me into him and kissed me hard making us both groan with need, before he broke it off, checking his watch.

“You hungry?”

“Silly question.”

“Right, let me go sort these idiots out, and then we can go for dinner. Have a think about what you fancy and text me so I can book somewhere. I’ll be about four hours. Relax, take a nap, there are snacks in the fridge and freezer if you get hungry and Neo and Eli are outside.”

“What? Why? How?”

“Did you forget who you are, beautiful? And I’m not your security anymore, I’m your boyfriend, so you need them. I asked them to meet us out here.”

“Why didn’t they get on the plane with us.”

Matt raised his eyebrows and I blushed. “Because I wouldn’t have been able to do what we did on the plane if they’d been on it. Having my staff hear us fuck gives me performance anxiety.”

“Good point,” I laughed. “Oh crap, I have nothing to wear for dinner. Maybe you should pick up take out on the way back.”

Matt took my hand and led me back down the wooden stairs to the house. “I had something delivered. Everything you need is in the wardrobe in the master. Be ready in four hours, Rogue.” I couldn’t help but notice the low timber of his voice or how his eyes danced with unspoken words.

“Yes, sir.”