Page 121 of Rogue God

The trial date has been pushed back. I'll send you an email with the new date.

I looked at Rogue and offered her my phone so she could read the message too.

Before, I would have run or shut her out, but I didn’t want to anymore. She was right. We were in this together. No matter what.

“Are you okay?” she asked after reading it.

Entwining her fingers in mine, I pressed a kiss to her engagement ring that made her smile. “You know, I really am. I will have my day in court with their killer, but I want to be here with you. I’m not going anywhere, Rogue. I’m here. I’m in this… forever.”

Me: So, you think we can pull it off?

Addi: You ask a fucking lot, Matt, but I’d do anything for you both, you know that. Leave it with me. Give me two weeks. I’ll sort everything. You just need to get her there.

Me: Can you arrange the jet? I can do the rest.


“Ineedtogoto California to sort out a problem with one of the new bands. They are being a nightmare and costing the label a fortune in trashed hotel rooms and upset staff who keep quitting. I hate leaving, but there isn’t anyone else who can sort this.”

I stared up at Matt, who stood with his hands pressed against the top of the doorframe to our bedroom, his corded forearms making my body throb with need.

“Are you sure you’re up for that? I mean, yes, you can fuck me and stay awake now, but isn’t this too much too soon?”

“Maybe, so come with me. We can make a holiday of it. I have two weeks until the trial starts, and the sun might be good for us. I mean it’s rained non-stop for so long now, I can’t remember what it’s like to wear my sunglasses. Addi told me to take the plane.”

“What about if she needs you here?”

“She won’t. This is my priority right now.”

“Okay, well, I’ll need to pop to Mum and Dad’s because I don’t have my passport or any suitable California clothes.”

“We don’t have time. I have one of the boys getting your passport and we can just go shopping when we land. The plane takes off in three hours and it’s a two hour drive to get there.”

I frowned at him because something was off with him. “Bear, you’re being incredibly weird. What’s going on?”

“Honestly, I’m just stressed. They are fucking things up for the label out there and it’s been a while since I was hands on with the bands.”

“Okay, well, if you’re sure I don’t have time…”

“You don’t. Pack a bag of essentials and let’s make a move.”

“I should at least let everyone know we’re going.”

“Addi is doing that. Honestly, we just need to get in the air. Fifteen minutes and we need to be in the car. Get your sexy ass ready.”

“Yes, sir.”

He growled at me and left me to get ready.

Twelve hours later we landed as the Californian sun was high in the sky. A car picked us up on the tarmac as soon as we’d stepped off the plane, meaning we didn’t have the stress of people seeing us passing through the airport. Matt kissed me softly, taking my hand in his as we settled in for the ride to wherever we were staying.

“You know, I don’t know anything about this trip, Bear. I don’t even know where we’re staying. I’m trusting you to keep me safe.”

“And would I do anything else?”


“Well then, sit back and let me take care of you.”