Page 56 of The Other One

The look he gives me is downright sinful as he moves in front of me, my wet nipples brushing his chest.

“I am.” He looks me in the eye and holds my stare as he lowers to his knees.

Goodbye, unwanted doubts, hello orgasm.

We make it to the church with plenty of time to spare. I shouldn’t be, but I’m surprised to see Julia there dressed in her Sunday best. The girl cleans up well. Julia and Cesily aren’t really friends, but her family is rich as shit and well known in my mother’s circles. Considering this seems to be the wedding event of the year, it makes sense Julia and her family would be invited.

“Hey girl, you look fantastic,” I say as I walk up to where she’s sitting. She looks up and stands to give me a hug.

“I’m uncomfortable as fuck, but I knew you’d be here, and you were leaving after the wedding, so I decided not to blow it off.”

The woman sitting behind her shoots her a scathing look, probably offended by the crass language in a church. Or maybe the fact that Julia isn’t beside herself with gratitude for having received an invitation forthewedding of the season.

Julia simply smiles at the woman and turns back to face me. “Your mom found me and asked me to have you come to the bridal suite as soon as I saw you.”

Oh shit, she heard about last night.

Before I finish the thought, Julia is nodding her head. “Why let a little thing like a wedding get in the way of her scolding you about your ‘Yankee boyfriend’s abominable behavior,’” she says using finger quotes.

“Don’t worry, Jackson can sit with me until you get back.”

Julia smiles and moves over in the pew to make room for him.

This is the last thing I want to deal with this afternoon, especially because our day was off to such a good start. Jackson looks at me, and I give him a weak smile.

“It’ll be fine. Be back in a few minutes.” That didn’t come out convincing at all.

He doesn’t say anything for a beat, instead searching my eyes for a moment, then nods. “Okay.” Jackson leans in and kisses my cheek, giving my hand a squeeze. “If we need to make an escape, remember our secret code.”

I laugh lightly, the silly reminder having its intended effect. “I’ll be back,” I tell him, giving his hand a squeeze in return.

I make my way out of the nave and find a hallway with several doors where I’m sure my mother and sister are getting ready for the ceremony. Sure enough, I hear giggles and excited chatter from one of the rooms. I knock on the door, and my mother opens it, her grin instantly fading.

Well, hello to you too, Mom.

Instead of allowing her sour expression to get the better of me, I look past her and see my sister in her wedding gown for the first time. She hasn’t looked my way yet, so her smile is bright as she speaks with one of her bridesmaids, Everly, I think is the girl’s name. She spots me before Cesily and a dark smirk plays across her mouth. What the hell did I ever do to her? My sister notices me as our mother steps aside and grants me entry into the suite. Cesily’s smile falters for a moment before a practiced fake one takes over her features.

“You look beautiful, Cesily. Absolutely stunning,” I tell her. I can’t help the way my voice catches, the emotion tightening my throat. We may barely tolerate each other now, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s my little sister’s wedding day, and she looks like the princess she was always pretending to be on this occasion when we were growing up.

“Thank you,” she replies before taking a sip of her champagne.

“We need to have a little chat,” my mom says, grabbing me by the elbow and pulling me out the door. When the door closes, she drops my elbow and stands to her full height, all five foot two, and attempts to instill intimidation and fear in me with her cold gaze.

“I heard about what happened last night at the party. How could you embarrass your sister and Davis like that? Really, Abigail, I know I raised you better.”

“Mom, you weren’t there—“ I begin, but she cuts me off.

“Davis was trying to apologize for his behavior. Why, I’m not even sure. The man has groveled at your feet enough times, in my opinion. You should have gotten past it years ago, but no, stubborn to the end.”

Pausing a moment to study her, I shake my head. “You really believe that, and I can’t tell you how sad that makes me.”

She looks at me with shock and anger warring for dominance in her gaze.

“He cheated on me, Mother. And you thought he had every right to do it over and over again. Why? Because his family is well-off? That gives him the right to do whatever he wants and not have to answer for it? Or is it because I ruined your plans to tie yourself to the Callaways in every way possible?”

Mrs. Callaway is the queen in my mother’s social circle, and it would have been a major feather in my mother’s cap to have both of her daughters marry into the family. I see now that’s what she cares most about in this world. Not my happiness, but her reputation and social standing. I’ve had the thought before, but after all these years, this is still the hill she wants to die on.Well, have at it, Mother. Your years of guilt trips and visible disapproval for me and my life no longer mean anything to me.

“You think you can do better than Davis Callaway? Do you honestly believe Jackson Hayes is in any way, shape, or form going to give you the lifeIplanned for you? The life fitting of a Barnes?”