Page 55 of The Other One

“Fuck, Jackson. You feel so good.” My hands clutch his shoulders, nails digging into his shirt. “I’m going to come just like this.”

“Give it to me. I want to see you come all over me.”

He lifts up the back of my skirt and slaps my ass three times in quick succession. That’s all it takes, and I lose it, screaming out my orgasm as I keep rubbing my pussy over him. He lets out a feral growl, and I feel his cock jerk under me as he throws his head against the headrest and comes only seconds after me. His eyes are tightly screwed shut, so he doesn’t see the expression on my face. I’ve never given much thought to the look on a man’s face while he orgasms, but seeing Jackson come in his underwear and the look of pure satisfaction moving across his features is beautiful. So much so, I almost wish I could take a picture. The fact that I put that look on his face makes those damn butterflies take flight in my belly again.

Jackson slowly opens his eyes and gazes into mine as a smile moves over his lips.

“Come here,” he whispers. I lean toward him, tagging my fingers in his sweat-soaked hair, and he captures my lips in a sweet kiss.

“Thank you, Miss Barnes,” he says back in character. “Now, may I take you back to our hotel room and fuck you properly?” He nips my lip as I laugh.

“Yes, Mr. Hayes, I would very much appreciate that.”

I climb off Jackson and situate myself back in my own seat as he shakes his head. “You are something else, Abigail Barnes. Something else entirely.”

I smile as he starts the car and heads back to the highway and our room. The butterflies I felt earlier are really going crazy now, and I realize this is what excitement for the future feels like. And to top it off, it’s with a man I never had any intention of being with, but couldn’t seem to stay away from.

Shockingly, for once, I’m not scared.

Chapter 20


Wewereamessof laughter and kisses when we made our way back to the hotel room last night. Dry humping until Jackson came in his underwear had me giggling the entire way to our room, especially when I saw how uncomfortable he was walking to our suite.

“This is your fault, woman, the least you could do is not laugh at me,” he told me. “I can’t even remember the last time that happened.” He shook his head like he was disappointed in himself, but I knew it was an act. He had just as much fun in the car as I did.

Sitting at the little table in our suite this morning, I still can’t seem to wipe the smile from my face. Jackson looks from the eggs he’s shoveling in his mouth to the smile I’m trying to hide behind my coffee cup and quirks a brow.

“What’s so funny over there, giggles?” Like he doesn’t know.

I let out a small laugh. “Remembering your duck walk back to the room last night.”

He glowers at me. “That’s the last time I get you off like that. Next time, I’m coming inside you and you can walk around with my come dripping out of you. See how funny you think it is then.” He returns to his meal with a smirk on his face.

Heat creeps up my neck, the idea turning me on. We’ve always used protection, so it’s not something we’ve discussed, and I don’t plan on it now, but I’d be lying if I said the thought of nothing between us when he enters me isn’t extremely tempting.Who am I right now?I’ve never had those thoughts about anyone I’ve been with.

Shaking my head, I pull myself from those thoughts. “We need to start getting ready and get to the church.”

When Jackson looks up from his breakfast, I see the question in his gaze. “You still want to go, even after last night?”

Part of me wants to pack our shit and get out of here, but the other part knows I’ll regret it the rest of my life if I miss my little sister’s wedding. It may seem like I’m a glutton for punishment, but I’m not doing it for her. There might come a day when she turns her attitude around, and I’ll feel like shit if I didn’t watch her walk down the aisle. This is supposed to be one of the most important days in her life. Not going doesn’t sit right with me. That’s not the kind of sister I want to be, regardless of the issues between us.

I nod my head in confirmation. “Yes, I still want to go.”

Setting my coffee down, I move to stand when Jackson grabs my hand and pulls me around the table to his lap. Looping my arms around his neck, I give him a light kiss.

“I meant what I said last night. You really are something else.” Jackson sweeps my long red hair behind my shoulder, his piercing blue eyes trying to tell me something without words. If I’m reading him right, the look in his eyes and the way he’s lovingly trailing his hand up and down my back is telling me I’m more. That this is more. I want to ask what exactly he means by that, but we don’t have the time to get into a whole long discussion about it. Knowing myself, I’ll have a ton of questions and need it spelled out for me. I don’t want to emotionally invest in something if he’s not on the same page. Even as I think it though, the little voice in my head is already chiming in.Too late,it says.You’re already there.

I remove myself from Jackson’s lap. “I’m getting in the shower.”

He smiles and nods. “I’m going to finish breakfast,” he tells me.

I need a moment alone. My feelings for Jackson are getting deeper, and I’m not sure where all these newly discovered feelings leave me. I know where I want it to go and it seems like he wants the same thing, but I can’t be sure. Even though I absolutely hate it, Davis’s voice from last night rings in my ear, sowing those nasty seeds of doubt. At the time, I cared more about defending Jackson against the allegations about his reputation, but it’s not like what Davis said isn’t true. And it’s not like Jackson hasn’t earned it.

I’m standing under the water, letting the thoughts swirl in my mind, when the bathroom door opens. Through the tinted shower glass, I see Jackson remove his boxers and walk to the shower, opening the door and climbing in with me.

“I thought you were finishing your breakfast,” I say.