Page 29 of The Other One

I look at him curiously. “No. Why would you think that?”

“Is it because everyone from the South must be related or something?” Julia snarks at him. It’s all in good fun, but Jackson doesn’t know her from Eve and almost spits out his cocktail.

“What? No,” he exclaims, obviously worried that he offended one of my friends.

“I’m just pulling your leg, Yank.” We both laugh, and Jackson sends me a relieved smile.

“I see why you two are friends,” he tells us, waving his index finger between us.

“She’s one of my best,” I say. “Julia and I have known each other since grade school. I used to get riding lessons from her mom, and we hit it off right away.” I smile at Julia. Bringing up her mom can be a touchy subject with her, depending on the day.

“Mama loved you like her own. God rest her soul.” She lifts her glass in a toast and sips her beer.

Julia’s mom passed away when we were in middle school. One day she was out in the field with her horses, and the next, she was gone from a heart attack. It’s so uncommon in women, the doctors said she probably didn’t recognize the signs.

Since then, it’s been Julia and her dad and brothers. Duke and Roxy stepped in to help where they could, but they had a bar to run that kept them plenty busy. Many afternoons were spent doing homework at that old bar top.

“Duke and Roxy are Julia’s aunt and uncle. I spent so much time here with her, they just kind of took me in as their other niece,” I explain to Jackson.

Duke comes from the kitchen with three plates of shrimp and grits. No fancy restaurant in town can come close to being as delicious as his secret family recipe. He sets the plates in front of us and leans down to give Julia a kiss on the crown of her head.

“How’s it goin’, sweetheart?” he asks her.

“Can’t complain, Uncle Duke. Good friends, good food, and cold beer. Life is pretty fantastic right now.” She smiles brightly at her uncle.

“I heard Grayson Abernathy was back in town, sniffing around your place,” Duke states irritably.

Julia rolls her eyes at the mention of his name.

“He was. Until he found himself at the business end of Dad’s 12-gauge shotgun.” Her wicked smile is wide as she looks at her uncle. Duke shakes his head and chuckles as he heads back to the kitchen.

“Let me know if you’re still hungry,” Duke calls before the door swings shut.

My mouth is watering as I smell the spicy goodness of our dinner. Jackson looks a little green around the gills at the mention of Julia pulling a gun on someone.

“Don’t worry, Yank, I didn’t shoot him. His car tires? Different story.” Julia laughs, and I just shake my head.

Grayson Abernathy was one of her brother’s best friends. He lived on the ranch that borders Julia’s. He was her first crush and also her first heartbreak when he decided ranching wasn’t for him after college and decided to become some big-time real estate developer. That’s a betrayal in and of itself in Julia’s eyes. He inherited his family’s land after his parents’ death, but hated the ranch life. He blames it for their early demise. Talk is he plans to sell it to a big-name resort, but they want more land and have their eyes on Julia’s. I guess we’ll see how that plays out.

After practically licking our plates clean, the three of us are stuffed and happy. I can tell Jackson’s getting a little tired, it’s been a long day after all, but I’m having too much fun catching up. The place has picked up, everyone having gotten off work and ready to unwind for the evening.

I lean over to Jackson. “You can leave if you want. Julia will be more than happy to take me back to the hotel.” He turns his head, and our mouths are mere inches apart. It would be so easy to lean in and taste the sweetness from his old-fashioned.Control yourself, Abigail.

“Nope, I’m good. It’s nice seeing you relax and having a good time.” My stomach is doing somersaults, and it has nothing to do with the huge meal I just devoured.

“I’m going to the restroom, then I’ll get us another round, yeah?” he says softly. As I nod my head in agreement, he gets up and makes his way to the restrooms. A loud whistle sounds from my right.

“Damn, girl. That look almost had me sliding off my chair. Spill while he’s gone. Who is he? How do you know him? Are you sleeping with him? And if not, mind if I take him for a spin?” Laughing at her rapid-fire questions, I shake my head.

“Jackson Hayes. My friend is practically married to his brother. Not at the moment and don’t even think about it,” I answer in order.

“Not at the moment? As in, you were or just not at this moment? Because, you know, public place and all.” My shoulders shake from laughter as I smack her arm.

“I mean, it’s complicated. We’ve known each other for a while and, yes, we’ve slept together a few times, but he’s related to my friend’s brother. I’m just worried about what’ll happen when we inevitably part ways. I don’t want it to be weird.” Julia picks up on what I’m not saying.

“Raelynn is a classAbitch for what she did to you, and don’t even get me started on Davis. But honey, not everyone is as vapid as your mother and sister. From what you told me about your friends in Philadelphia, they love you and would never choose between you or anyone else. Not like Loretta and Cesily did.”

I want to believe her, I really do, but that wound is still fresh in my mind, especially after this afternoon. Even all these years later, I don’t know if I’ll ever be comfortable potentially rocking the boat in any of my important relationships again.