Page 30 of The Other One

Jackson returns with another round, and the jukebox gets turned up. George Strait starts crooning through the speakers and Julia gives me a toothy grin.

“Let’s go, girl.” She grabs my hand and pulls me to the small, crowded dance floor. It’s been forever since I danced to country music, but the moves come back to me like I was just out here last week.

Gin and music are flowing through me, and I’m having the time of my life being here, back to my roots, with my oldest friend. Glancing over at Jackson, a wide smile is on his face as he watches me move my hips, adding a little flair to the line dance. Even though this man is tired and completely out of his element, he looks perfectly content, sipping on his drink and watching me have a good time. If only he wasn’t Donovan’s brother and this whole thing with usdidn’thave disaster written all over it.

After dancing to several more songs and working up a sweat, Julia and I head back to the table to cool off.

“So, Jackson, tell me a little bit about yourself. You grew up in Philadelphia?” Julia asks, guzzling the beer in front of her.

“I did. My dad was a congressman, and my brother was just elected senator.”

Her eyes go wide, realizing who his family is.

“So, I’m sitting next to royalty then. Well damn, I would have worn my clean boots if I’d have known,” Julia jokes, and Jackson laughs with her, used to people viewing his family like that.

Of course, she doesn’t care one way or another. As long as you’re good people, that’s enough for her.

“What do you do then? Have your eye on the governor’s mansion?”

Jackson laughs and shakes his head. “No way. Too many skeletons in my closet, I’m afraid.”

“Oh, now it’s getting good. Tell me about these skeletons you have.” Julia rests her chin on her hand and gives Jackson her undivided attention.

I nudge her in the ribs. “Enough of that. Jackson didn’t come all the way down here to be grilled by you, missy.”

She looks from me to Jackson. “No, I suppose not. Why did you come, Jackson?” Her tone isn’t as playful. It’s the tone of one friend protecting another and making sure this guy is up to snuff.

“Honestly? I saw the look on Abigail’s face when her mother was giving her shit on the phone. I didn’t like it so I offered to come down and be her date because I knew she would never ask.”

Julia nods. “Good answer,” she says with a smile playing on her lips.

Jackson leans over to Julia and whispers loud enough for me to hear. “She’s also hot as fuck, and I was hoping my good deed would win me some extra brownie points.” He turns his face to me and winks.

I roll my eyes at him as Julia laughs. “Even better answer,” she says and clinks their glasses together.

“Everyone is under the impression that he and I have been dating for a while. I’d like to keep it that way,” I tell her.

Julia presses her lips together, pretending to lock them. “No one will hear different from me.”

The drinks keep coming and the conversation keeps flowing, and soon after my and Julia’s third time shaking our asses on the dance floor, I look at my phone and realize it’s way later than I thought. Shit, I have to be up and presentable tomorrow for my sister’s bridal brunch. Tomorrow is already going to be hell. Add on a hangover, and I’m ready to get back on the plane to Philadelphia right now.

Jackson and Julia are going head to head in a friendly game of quarters when I show Jackson the time on my phone screen.

“Okay, Julia, be prepared to lose. I need to get my girl back to the hotel.” He bounces the quarter, and it lands in her glass.

“Son of a bitch, Yank. I see where you excelled in your fancy university,” she says before drinking her beer down.

“Money well spent. You need us to give you a lift?” Jackson offers. Thankfully he hasn’t been drinking like Julia and I have.

“Nah. My brother is on his way.”

“Oh, which one?” I spent a lot of time with Julia’s brothers growing up and haven’t seen them in ages.

“That one.” She points to the tall man that just walked through the door, making his way over with a smile on his face that has dropped many a panty in his day.

When he gets to our table, I stand and throw my arms around his thick neck. He wraps his arms around my waist and picks me up, swinging me side to side.

“Easton, it’s so good to see you,” I squeal.